[Cake Baking 101] || Seokjin

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It's my friend Jenai's birthday and she loves Jin! It really surprised me that I haven't wrote a Jin concept so this is will be the first of many!


You wanted to try something new for your birthday so you signed yourself up for cooking class. You walked in and the smell of fresh bread and pastries filled your nostrils. You noticed that most people were paired up, except for a man towards the right side of them room. Once you get closer, you nearly gasp at his beauty. He notices your presence and smiles at you.

You went up to him and asked if the spot next to him was taken, and thankfully he said no. At the same time, you're wondering how can a guy like him not have a partner for this class but you're very thankful regardless. He turns to you and introduces himself to you.

"Hello, I'm Seokjin. You can call me Jin for short."

"That's a pretty name Jin. I'm _____."

"I'm sure you have the prettier name." Jin commented while you blushed at the statement.

"I beg to differ. With a name and face like yours, I'm no match."

He laughs and thanks you for your compliment. He looks around the room before leaning down to whisper in your ear, "I think we're making a cake today."

"I really hope so. It would be a first to bake and eat my own birthday cake."

"It's your birthday?" He asked and you nodded your head.

"Happy birthday! If we do make a cake, let's make sure this is the best birthday cake ever!"

You giggled and smiled at how bubbly his personality was. The teacher came into the room and announced that the class would, in fact, be baking cakes. You and Jin looked at each other and give each other a high five.

The teacher let each pair decide what flavor cake they would bake and Jin let you choose your favorite flavor. After going through the process, everyone's cakes are in the oven. In the meantime, you and Jin chatted and got to know each other better. You remembered your friends were taking you to a party so you invited Jin to be your date. He accepted your invitation by saying, "Anything for the birthday royalty."

After the cakes finished baking, you and Jin started decorating. Jin iced the cake and then you decorated it with hearts and stars. Jin left and came back with candles and placed some on top of the cake. You assumed Jin must have told the teacher it was your birthday because they bring out a cupcake and the rest of the class sings happy birthday. You made a wish and blew out the candle. You ate the cupcake and packed your cake into a takeaway box.

"Now that class is over and the party isn't until later, what do we do now?"

"We can drop this off at your house and I take you out to birthday lunch?"

"It's a birthday date."

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