[Is This The End?] || Yoongi

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You and your significant other, Yoongi used to be the happiest couple there ever was. You knew exactly what you were getting into when you started to date him but you swore that things would be different. You understood his busy lifestyle being famous and all but lately it feels like he forgot he's dating you. There would be days at a time where the two of you wouldn't speak to each other.

Tonight, Yoongi let himself in your apartment and you were definitely surprised to see him. You can smell the whiskey off his clothes when he came towards you in the kitchen. He saw that you were finishing up dinner and sat down at the dining table. Once you put the plates and drinks down, you two sat across one another eating in silence. The longer you sat in silence, the more your thoughts were yelling in your mind. Wanting an answer, you spoke up.

"Do you love me?" You asked your significant other, breaking the silence.

"Of course I do...why wouldn't I?" He answered with a nervous tone.

"I don't know, you tell me." You answered back, looking at him. He meets your eyes for a second before looking away.

"You never make time for me anymore. Do you know how many times I have rain checked my friends because I was hoping we can go out? Only for me to look stupid because you're doing everything but being with me."

"I'm busy." He mutters.

"Busy? I understand that I'm not your top priority, and I shouldn't be, but damn it Yoongi! When you're not working, you're either in the studio or out with the guys. It's like you forgot I even existed until now."

"My job requires me to be in the studio and with the guys."

"Not 24/7 it doesn't. I get that you met me well after debut but we're not like we used to be."

"Yeah because we're getting older."

"Or because you're not interested anymore."

He finally meets your gaze and you two wordlessly stare at one another.

"Tell me Yoongi, is there someone else?"

He doesn't answer your question. You scoff at the silence and take your dishes to the sink. You nearly missed it when Yoongi said, "Maybe so."

You turn around and he's staring at his hands. You couldn't believe your ears and it broke your heart that things were going to end this way.

"Who? You know what, I don't even want to know." You walk towards your front door and put your hand on the door knob.

"___ I'm-"

"You're not sorry. We both know you're not. If you were, you wouldn't have done this to me."

He lets out a sigh and gets up from his seat. He meets you by your front door and he then reaches in his pocket. He takes off the key that you gave him off of his key ring and hands it to you. You two look at each other and he said one last thing before leaving for good.

"I wish it didn't have to end this way."

"Well it's nobody's fault but your own. Goodbye, Min Yoongi." You see him wince when you included his last name as you opened the door. He leaves and takes a good look at your face before walking away, knowing that there's no point of saying anything else.

You close the door and slide down to the floor. You look down at the key in your hand, thinking to the day you gave him the key so he could come whenever he wanted. You leaned your head against the door, alone in your thoughts.

"This really is the end huh?" You said to yourself. You shook your head and got back up from the floor, moving on from the man that once had your heart.

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