[Arrangement] || Seungcheol

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You were apart of the royal family in your kingdom. You also were at the age where you were set to look for a suitor. Everyone knew how much you heavily opposed the idea of marrying someone you didn't love. Your parents held many galas in hopes of you finding your love but alas, none of them peaked your interest.

"I think we have the perfect person for you."

"Whoever it is, no."

"But we haven't-"


Your parents exchanged a look before rolling their eyes. You proceeded to go on a rant about how they really don't listen to you. One of them cuts your rant short by speaking up again.

"It's Seungcheol."

You stop speaking, staring at them both wide eyed.

"Seungcheol? SEUNGCHEOL Seungcheol?"

"Yes, Choi Seungcheol."

"My Seungcheol?"

"What other one do we know?"

"I don't know, you two have a lot of connections."

Your parents let out a sigh. They know about your love for Seungcheol. He was very special to you, starting from the very first day you two met.

You two met when you were kids when his parents visited your kingdom for a meeting. You spent the entire day playing tag in the garden and laughing at each other's jokes. You always had a bit of a crush on him and as you two got older, your feelings for him grew.

"Have you brought up the idea with his parents?"

"Not yet but we will be having a meeting at their kingdom."

"Do you want me to act surprised?"

"Just don't be embarrassing."

A week later, that meeting was underway. You were nervous to say the least. You sat with your parents on one side of the table while Seungcheol and his parents occupied the other. He was seated across from you and he noticed how your fingers were tapping on the table, one of your tells for your nervousness.

He softly reaches for your hands, giving them a squeeze. This action made you look up at him, giving him a soft smile back. He returns the smile and you squeeze his hands in response. Your parents then revealed the idea of you and him getting married. You look at his parents first, waiting to see how they felt. They looked at each other and their son, but they notice that he's still staring at you. Your parents follow their gaze and look at you as well. Finally looking at Seungcheol, you see his expression is almost...unreadable.

The breath you didn't realize you were holding let out when he asked to talk with you alone. You look over at your parents and his and they all nod. You two leave the room and while your parents are discussing the matter, you and him talk about it as well.

"Did you know about this?"

You could have tried to lie but he knew you like the back of your hand. You then decide to answer his question with a nod.

"Do you not like the idea?"

He quickly said no, stumbling over his words after that.

"How can I say this...I'm just..."


"That's the word."

"I'm sorry that you got dragged into this. It's just that my parents have been trying to get me with someone and none of them peaked my interest."

"So I was your last option?" He asked with a frown.

"No! Don't think that way! You're my best option if we're being honest here."

"I am?" He asks in a bare whisper.

"Of course." You said softly, matching his tone.

He gave you his infamous gummy smile, the smile you loved from the very first encounter. You returned his smile and you both giggled.

"Well then, shall we tell our parents?" He asks, extending his hand.

"Yes, we shall." You place your hand in his, walking back into the room. It's all eyes on you two when you walk in and then their gaze shifts to your hands.

"I'm guessing you two are on board?" His parents asked.

You two looked at each other with a smile, him kissing the back of your hand.

"We're definitely on board." You answered. Everyone in the room had a big smile on their face. Although this marriage is going to be arranged, it's still a win for both parties. You can call your best friend your lover from now on and little did you know that Seungcheol has been waiting for the day to call you his.

And that day has finally come.

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