[The Love That Got Away and Returned] || Taehyung

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You weren't in the best living environment and your boyfriend, Taehying knew that. He was there for you when you cried your eyes out at 2 a.m. and you constantly slept over at the dorm.

You arrived home and your parents were sitting in the living room. Once they heard the door close and saw you walk in, hell broke loose. The atmosphere became too overwhelming so you ran to your room and packed whatever you could carry in your duffle bag and backpack.

You left a note saying that your parents shouldn't expect you to come back. You ran as fast as you can up to your best friends house. They opened the door, saw your bags and immediately let you inside. You felt more at home at their house and their parents are used to you staying over.

While you were in your friend's room, you texted Taehyung telling him that you need to run away. You knew you couldn't stay in your best friend's house forever. He answered right away saying that he has a lot of vacation time and he'll spend every second of it with you.

The next morning, you ate breakfast and Taehyung was right outside waiting for you. You thanked the family for allowing you to sleep over and went outside to greet Taehyung. Once you got in his car, he drove off and you started to cry when you went past your old house. He drove a few more blocks before pulling over.

"I feel like I'm dragging you down, Taehyung."

"You're definitely not."

He tried to reassure you but you kept denying it. You wanted the best for Taehyung and you felt like you shouldn't be the person he loved.

"I want the best for you so I need to leave."

"But you are the best for me."

You can see the pain in his eyes, begging for you to stay.

Your eyes started to water again. You truly love him but it broke your heart that he was willing to put up with your dysfunctionality. You two sat in silence until Taehying spoke up again.

"If you need to be on your own for whatever time span, I understand."

You nodded your head and looked at him. His eyes showed his adoration towards you and you knew he was sincere with his statement.

"I have a friend who lives in another country. Maybe that's what I need. A detox away from here. They always said they have room for me so I can live with them until I'm ready to come back."

"If I can't come with you, can I least buy your plane ticket? And some clothes because you'll need more."

"Thank you Taehyung, for everything."

You leaned over to kiss his cheek and he held your hand.

"Don't forget about me okay?"

"Taehyung, you know that's literally impossible." You said with a chuckle.

"I know but don't forget to stay in touch."

"I'll never forget. You're always apart of me even when I don't realize it."

Taehyung smiled at you and you finally had a genuine smile on your face.

// Some time later //

While you were away, you made sure to focus on your mental health and work on your happiness. Like you promised, you kept in contact with Taehyung as he prepared for his latest comeback. You wanted to surprise him by arriving at the dorm but much to your luck, Taehyung was already at the airport waiting for you.

You didn't notice him at first because you weren't expecting him to be there. The only person who knew of your return was your best friend but they must have spilled the beans to your beloved. You saw a sign with your name and picture on it and walked towards it. You were about to say to your friend that the sign was cute but it turns out, Taehyung was holding the sign. Your smile grew bigger and so did his. You ran and gave him the biggest hug possible. He picked you up and spun you around, constantly saying 'I love you' and how much he's missed you.

He finally put you down and you two stared at each other. You couldn't believe that he really waited all this time for you. You hugged him and thanked him.

"You didn't think that I would stop waiting?"

"I mean, I was kind of the love that got away."

"Sure, but you came back. Now come on, we have to make up for lost time."

You nodded and walked hand in hand out of the airport, finally happy again. Once you stepped in the car, you had a thought.

"Wait. Where am I going to live now? There's no way I can go back to my parent's house."

"Don't worry about it. I got it covered."

He drove to a street that you can't tell if it's familiar or not. He stopped in front of a gorgeous apartment complex.

"Why did we stop here?"

"This is our new home."

"Our what now?"

"Yes it's ours."

"The whole building?"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Obviously not the whole building, but I bought us the biggest apartment."

You gave Taehyung a kiss and ran out of the car. You ran to the car to get your belongings and wait for Tae since he had the key. You made it inside and he led the way to your new place. Once he opened the door, he let you walk in first and your jaw dropped at how stunning it was. Everything was already furnished and you couldn't believe Taehyung had did this for you. Your true love did wonders for you and you don't know how you can repay him for all he has done.

When you asked, he dismissed it and said, "Your love is enough for me."

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