[Cuddle Central] || Hoseok

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Hoseok constantly craved affection so any chance he got, he would cuddle you. It doesn't matter where you guys could be, he just wants to be close to you. When you're at home with him, he naturally find you and bring you into his lap, most often straddling him.

One morning, you had to leave early for a meeting. You woke up with your head on his chest, your left leg draped over his waist. You looked at him and took note of his facial features. You softly kissed his cheek and you were able to get up but Hoseok tugged you back.

"Hoseok!" You exclaimed in a whiny tone.

"Where are you going? It's early."

"I have my meeting today."

"On my day off, that's not fair."

"Life isn't fair, babe."

As you figured out, Hobi wouldn't let you leave on your own terms. So you had to negotiate with him.

"Alright 5 more minutes and then you'll have to let me get ready."

"10 and I'll make breakfast."

"Compelling. You got yourself a deal."

As promised, you stayed cuddled up to him for those 10 minutes. You talked about how the meeting could impact your company in a big way and you wanted to make sure it goes well. He also told you about past events that he hasn't told you about previously. He looked at the clock on the bed stand and saw that it's been 10 minutes.

"Alright babe, go get ready. I'll make breakfast as promised."

Before you rolled off of him and the bed, he kissed your nose muttering a soft, "I love you." After you got ready and eat breakfast, Hoseok drove you to work. He put on the radio and you both sang along to whatever was on. He really knew what to do to put your nerves at ease. Once you arrived, Hoseok gave you a big kiss, wishing you good luck, saying that you don't really need it. Before walking into the building, you turned to wave him goodbye one last time, you quickly running back for a kiss and to promise him that you'll return home as fast as possible so you can spend the rest of the day together.

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