[Baby Fangs] || Jungkook

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Based on the tweet above

Jeon Jungkook is the newest vampire amongst his clan and he's been insecure about his growing fangs. Although his peers show their fangs with pride, he's scared to show his. He would constantly look at the mirror and try to smile, only to frown at the sight of his fangs.

"You should smile more. Show off those fangs."

"Your fangs are so cute! You should show them off to other people."

Many members of his clans murmured around him in agreement, saying that he should smile. He felt awkward being in the center of attention and he quickly fled and retreated to his room. He sat on his bed and looked at the moon outside. Jungkook decided that he needed fresh air so he went out for a walk.

There was a park nearby and he went towards the swing set. He started to slightly swing back and forth when you came up to him.

"Hi, uh, do you mind if I swing next to you?"

You were surprised to see his big doe like eyes. They sparkled in the moonlight and they were so beautiful to look at. Jungkook thought the same with your eyes and nodded his head. He watched as you took the swing next to him.

"So what brings you out here at this hour?" Jungkook turned to the sound of your voice, not expecting you to talk to him.

"Oh you know, just needed to clear my head. What about you?"

"Same here. Do you want to talk about it? It might be better to vent about it instead of bottling up inside."

He furrowed his eyebrows at your sudden question but he knew you were right. He couldn't easily admit that he's a vampire so he had to tell a white lie in order to vent.

"It's just...my family have been bugging me about my teeth lately."

"Oh, is it because you need to get braces?"

"No, not that. You see, it's my...canine teeth?"

"Oh your baby fangs?"

Jungkook somehow felt a chill up his spine. Did they already figure out what he was?

"B-baby fangs?"

"Yeah, that's what I call them. Mine are little bit longer than most people's. See?"

You opened your mouth and told him that you have always accidentally bit your tongue one too many times because of those.

"I've never heard someone call them baby fangs before. That's a cute nickname for teeth."

"Why thank you. Are your baby fangs like mine then?"

"I guess so. That's why I'm afraid to show my teeth when I smile."

"I'm sure you have a beautiful smile."

"But you haven't seen it?"

"I know but, everyone's smile is beautiful. Teeth or no teeth, smiling is a great thing."

You see the side of Jungkook's mouth move upwards, fighting to smile.

"I know you want to smile, don't fight it."

Your light teasing made him laugh and you got to see his beautiful smile. You felt your heart flutter and he looked so gorgeous. Your smile widened at the sight of his smile

"There we go. You and your baby fangs are so cute."

"Thank you..."

"Oh wait, you don't know who I am! I'm ___."

"I'm Jungkook."

"Well Jungkook, I'm glad I got to make you smile tonight. Hopefully I get to see that smile more often."

"Y-you want to see me more?"

"Of course! You're cool and really cute!"

That confession was a surprise to him and he dug in his pockets, quickly handing you his phone. You put in your number and you gave him your phone so he can do the same. You told him that you were going to head home and that you'll text him when you arrive home. He said he'll do the same. You bid each other goodnight and Jungkook had a smile on his face all the way home.

When the members of his clan saw him smiling, they were very surprised but happy that he's showing his fangs off. One person asked him about the sudden change of attitude, Jungkook responded with a shrug saying, "I just decided to embrace my baby fangs, that's all."

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