[20cm] || Open Choice

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You and your best friend are inseparable. The both of you grew up together which meant that you two did virtually everything together. Whenever people saw them, you were there most of the time and vice versa. As you two got older and went through the weird phase of puberty, you noticed that they went through a lot of physical change. Although you refuse to admit it, you always thought they were kind of cute. Now that you two were getting older, your tiny crush is becoming a big one.

It was a new week at school and many people were talking about this dance being hosted by one of the popular clubs. Your best friend found you in the hallway telling you that you have to go.

"Why do I have to go?"

"Because I'm going."

"What makes you think that I'll go just because you are?"

They stared at you with a blank expression, finding your question ridiculous.

"Anyways, start thinking of colors. I was thinking blue."

"You always think blue."

"Go to the dance and then maybe I'll change my mind on colors."

"Ugh, fine. I get to choose what color we're wearing."

They had a huge smile on their face, knowing you'd come around eventually. During lunch time you suggested that you wear green.


"Don't you like green?"

"It makes me think of science."

"Okay and?"

"I'm not trying to think about the different types of rocks while getting my party on."

You sighed and rolled your eyes.

"You got any better ideas and don't say blue again."


"Everyone wears red."

"But we haven't worn red."

You think about the previous dances that you've been to and truth be told, you never wore red.

"That is true."

"Red it is."

They have that huge grin on their face once again, them getting what they want. Days leading up the dance, you would go shopping after school to get your outfits and accessories. When it was finally the day of the dance, you felt nervous all of sudden. You've been to many school dances with them but this time felt different. Could it be because of your crush on them? You brushed your thoughts as you put the finishing touches on your look. You look a look at yourself in the mirror, smiling at the end result. While leaving your bedroom, you hear the doorbell ring. After grabbing your belongings, you answer the door and see your best friend/crush looking great as ever. They look at you in surprise as well, probably mirroring your expression.

"You clean up good."

"This is why I make the executive decisions in this relationship."

"And you ruined it."

"What did I do wrong?"

"Everything, now let's get going."

While you lock the door and walk to their car, they whine about they never do anything wrong. You don't put up a fight, both of you knowing that they're lying. Once you arrive at the dance, your respective friend groups pull you away from each other to talk and dance. Your friends knew about your crush so they wanted you to make a move tonight.

"I'm not making any moves tonight."

"____, sweetheart. We all know that if you don't, we'll take it into our hands."

"I don't want to do anything and then it blows up in my face."

"You won't know unless you try."

You sighed, knowing that they had a point. As if on cue, a slow song started to play.

"Ask them to-"



"Not happening."

"We will drag you over there if we have to."

Your eyes widen in shock, remembering that one time where they did, in fact, drag you to talk to someone you thought was cute. You muttered how you hate them but they blew kisses in your direction. You turn and walk away from them and see that your friend is also walking away from their friends. You two meet in the middle and just look at each other.

"So...wanna dance?" You both spoke in unison. They let out a hearty laugh and you chuckled. They extended their hand for you to take which you accepted. They pulled you closer and started to dance along to the music. Your friend broke the silence between you two.

"You know, I didn't think you would actually come with me tonight."

"We've done so many things together, why would I stop now?"

"Well, I just feel a bit selfish. You're only here because of me and we're wearing the color I chose."

"Don't feel that way, you know that I'm down for whatever with you. Well, anything that isn't illegal."

"Speaking of illegal, we should-"

"Not do whatever you were about to say."

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"You better be because I'm leaving you in jail if you get arrested."

"Won't you miss me at all?"

You pretended to think about it before shaking your head.

"You have no soul."

"I have a brain though."

"For the both of us, yes."

You smiled at them, continuing to dance. Although neither of you never said anything else, you decided to rip off the bandaid after the song was over. You asked them if you could talk to them out in the hallway and they agreed, letting you lead the way. You sit on the staircase and they sit next to you.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"How do I say this? You know how we said we would never become the cliche 'best friends to lovers' trope?"


"Well, what if I wanted that to happen?"

You turned to them, watching their expression. They furrowed their brows in confusion.

"You don't mean..."

You simply nod your head. You look down at your hands, fiddling your fingers.

"What if I wanted that as well?"

Your head snaps up and you turn to them.

"Do you mean that?"

"I'm as serious as I'll ever be."

"Prove it."

And that they did by giving you that long desired kiss. They pull away and you rest your forehead on theirs. You muttered how you've always wanted to do that and they agreed with you. You silently thank them for making you come tonight because you never would've gotten the person of your dreams in the end.

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