[Rock n' Roll Love] || Seonghwa & Yuta

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Your friends were all about going to rock concerts and you did promise them that you'll go to one. You had time off and it coincidentally was about to be the 'battle of the bands' competition. Your friends were regulars at the venue so they got special treatment. When you arrived, you all were allowed to be right up front. You could practically touch the stage with how close you were. Your friends talked about there were two new bands competing this year and you were excited to see all the talented acts.

The competition was finally underway and you were very excited. The first band that performed was one of the new groups and when they all came on stage, surprised is an understatement of a word. You lost yourself in the song and you weren't paying attention until your friend jabbed your side.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Lead singer is totally ogling at you."

You look up at the stage and you make eye contact with the singer. He sends you a wink and continues the performance. You send him a smile in return and you press your head into your friend's shoulder in order to hide your blush. The band wraps up the song and everyone cheers for them. As the members leave the stage, the lead singer crouches down to be eye level with you.

"Hi sweetheart, what's your name?"

"____, and you are?"

"Seonghwa." He then takes your hand and presses a kiss against the back of your hand.

"Wish us luck, _____."

"G-good luck."

"Thanks babe." He gives you a wink before letting your hand go and leaving the stages with the rest of his bandmates.

You stare at the stage in disbelief. Your friends snap you at of your trance so you can pay attention to the show. The remainder of the acts did a great job and you truly were enjoying yourself. The second to last act was the other new band and you were blown away by the beauty of the lead guitarist. He looked too good to be true and when he started to sing, he blew your mind even more.

You were convinced that you have fallen in love tonight and with him stealing glances at you while he plays, you were starting to be a firm believer of 'love at first sight.' After the band finishes their song, everyone cheered. You on the other hand, were in a trance for the musician. Your eyes basically followed his every move and you were surprised when he made his way over to you. He gestures for your hand and you hold it out. He then places his guitar pick in the palm of your hand and he closed your fingers around it. You look between your closed hand and him in shock, thanking him. He smiles at you before walking off the stage.

The last act performs and now the judges are deciding the top 3. Your friends figured now would be the best time to talk to you about what happened.

"I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room?"

"Which is?" You raise your eyebrow at them, already knowing what it is. All of your friends look at you with a straight face.

"Uh, the fact that you are pulling musicians left and right."

"I'm not pulling anybody."

"____, you had the very handsome lead singer call you sweetheart twice AND he kissed the back of your hand."

"Don't forget he called them babe also." One of your friends interjected.

"That too. And also, you have the guitar pick from the lead guitarist."

You almost forgot about that pick now that they mentioned it. You opened up your hand and saw that very pick in your hand. Your friends crowded around you to look at you. One of them points out that there is something engraved onto it. You looked closely and saw 'Yuta.'

"It says Yuta. That must be his name."

"___ really pulled two of the hottest people I have ever seen in my entire life."

You didn't get a chance to respond because the host comes on stage to annouce the final 3 bands. As expected, Seonghwa's and Yuta's respective bands were apart of the top 3 and their bands were the final 2. Everyone held their breath as the host delayed the winner announcement. You looked at the pick and you make eye contact with Yuta. He sends you a smile and you send him one in return. You look over at Seonghwa and he waves at you. You wave at him and smile.

This didn't feel like a battle of the bands anymore. It was more of a 'battle of the boys.' You were starting to like both boys so you couldn't decide.

"And the winner is..."

Well that is a decision you're going to have to make. Who won you over?

Was it Seonghwa with his flirty behavior of winks and pet names?

Or was it Yuta with his stunning visuals and sweet smile? After all, you do technically have a piece of him with you.

The choice is yours.

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