[The Night Is Still Young] || Jungkook

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For those who like supernatural type of stuff, this is a demon!concept


You moved to a different town, having no knowledge that this is the rumored demon town. You also unknowingly moved next door to the house of "demon royalty". You were unaware of it all, until one night you realized the rumors were true.

You were getting ready to go out with your new neighbors when your doorbell rang. You scrunched your face in confusion, thinking that one of your neighbors was early. You went down to open the door, only to be faced with three handsome strangers.

"Oh, hello. Is there anything I can help you with?

"Not really, but who knows for sure." The boy in the middle says.

He was shorter compared to the two on either side of him, his hair falling over his dark, hooded eyes.

"Actually, we wanted to show you around the neighborhood." The man on the right said.

His honey colored skin glistened under your porch light.

"I would love to but I'm already going out with my neighbors tonight." You said with a sigh.

"Then we'll wait until you come back." The man on the left interjected.

His big doe eyes made him appear so innocent. You pouted at how cute he was to suggest that.

"I don't know how long we'll be out and I don't want to keep you guys up waiting for me."

"It's totally fine. We operate at night anyway.", the person in the center said.

"Are you sure?", you asked hesitantly.

"Absolutely. The night will still be young when you come back.", the one on the right said.

"Alright, let's do it!", you exclaimed, making the man on the left really happy.

"Before I leave though, we still don't know each other's names."

"I'm Taehyung, next to me is Yoongi, and the baby with doe eyes is Jungkook."

"I'm _____. I'll meet you guys back here or do I stop by your place?

"We can meet here but if we see you around, we can show you around then. Whichever one happens first.", Yoongi said.

"I'll see you guys later. My neighbors are here."

"See you soon, ____.", Jungkook said.

And just like that, they disappeared.

Your neighbors walked onto your porch, greeting you and you all made your way to dinner. As you were in the car, you asked them if they knew the trio that you recently met. They looked at each other in confusion and one of your neighbors said, "Those are the demons we were telling you about.

That sentence puzzled you for the rest of the evening. How could there demons casually could be sitting on your front porch at this very moment? You didn't want to talk about it at dinner but the curiosity was eating you alive.

"Hey um, about what you guys said earlier, those are the names of the demons?"

"Yep. I'm surprised you heard about it before we got to.", one neighbor said.

"Ha, yeah I heard about it.", you said with a nervous laugh.

"Why do you sound nervous? Are you afraid?", said another neighbor.

"It's just...here's the thing. Call me crazy but before you guys came, they were on my porch and they asked to hang out after."

Silence drew out from around the table before one muttered out, "She's losing her mind already."

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