[Caramel Crush] || [Jeno & Jaemin]

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Jeno and Jaemin have been stealing the hearts of customers ever since they both got a job as baristas at the new coffee shop. So many people have come in just to see the handsome duo at work and it has been a major boost in sales. You've heard talk about these two but you never had the chance to actually check out the shop until one fateful, well...rather unlucky day.

You were going on a walk and it was great. It was very relaxing, not a cloud in the sky. Suddenly, you hear a rumble of thunder and then within an instant, it starts raining cats and dogs. You weren't close to home yet so you broke into a sprint, running under the first awning in sight. Checking your reflection in the window, you see that you aren't totally soaked but you know that you can't walk out anytime soon. Looking inside, you notice that it's a cafe. Walking towards the door, you don't recognize the name of the place so you easily pinpoint that this is the new place in town.

Once you step inside, something about the atmosphere instantly puts you at ease. Taking in your surroundings, you see that everyone is doing their own thing. Unbeknownst to you, Jaemin and Jeno both looked up once they heard the chime above the door ring. They both watched in awe as you walked in. Jaemin is the first to break the silence between the two of them.

"Woah, who is that?" He asked Jeno.

"I don't know, but I do know an angel when I see one." He said with a dreamy sigh. Jaemin furrowed his brows at his answer.

"Wait a second, you think they're cute?" He asked, turning to face the other.

"Um hello, of course I do. Don't you?"

"Absolutely I do."

They glared at each other, both shaking their heads.

"This won't work. We both can't like them." Jeno said.

"Oh yeah? Try me." He looks over at you and sees you reading the menu. Feeling eyes on you, you look and see Jaemin giving you a soft smile. You return his smile and make your way to the counter.

"Hello, my name is Jaemin! What can I get started for you?"

"I'm not too sure actually, is there anything you recommend?"

"I think you would like-" He started but then gets cut off by Jeno.

"They wouldn't like that."

"I didn't even say anything yet."

"Yeah, but I know you and you like your coffee real bittery. Unless you're into to that, then I won't stop you." He said that last part to you.

You shake your head saying, "I don't really like strong bitterness. What do you recommend then..." You squint trying to read Jeno's name tag.

"I'm Jeno and I recommend a classic caramel macchiato. You get sweet and a bit of bitter taste."

"Hmm, you're right Jeno. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have a caramel macchiato please." You said with a smile. Both of the boys smile at how nice your smile is. You reached for your wallet but they both exclaimed "no!"


"It’s on the house." Jaemin said.

"Really? I can't let you guys do that."

"Yes you can, we insist!" Jeno said with a smile. His cute smile swayed you into not picking a fight anymore and you put your wallet back inside.

"Thank you so much!" You said while Jaemin hands you your drink. You smile at them both before finding a table to sit at. They watch as you sit down before facing each other.

"They totally like me." They said in unison. They gave each other an incredulous look, not believing what the other person said.

"You know what, we won't like know until we ask them." Jaemin said.

"We just met them, it's still early."

"Well then, let's see who will win their heart overtime." Jaemin said, raising his eyebrow at Jeno.

"May the best man win I guess." Jeno said, extending his hand for Jaemin to shake. The latter shakes his hand and with that, the games have officially begun.

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