[Sworn to Secrecy] || Seokjin

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Your friend set you up on a blind date and the person that you're meeting, according to them, looks like "art that stepped out of its painting." They really held this person's visual on a high pedestal so of course you were intrigued to see for yourself. Your friend even offered to drive you to the date just to see their face again.

"You already know what they look like. Why do you want to see them again?"

"Um, you really think I'm only letting you see his face? It's not every day that you see that beauty."

You arrived to the restaurant and your friend asked a waiter if a man named Kim Seokjin came in.

"Ah yes, Mr. Kim arrived a few minutes ago. Are you his plus one?"

"That would be me." I raised my hand, showing that it was me and not my friend.

"Alright then, right this way."

"Thank you."

You followed the waiter and you turned to your friend, bidding them goodbye. You heard them whisper, "Have fun and be careful." You ended walking towards the very back of the restaurant which appeared to be very secluded despite it being very full elsewhere. Your date, Seokjin, looks up and sees you. He stands up and shakes your hand. He waited for you to sit down, pushed in your seat, and then sat down in his seat.

"You must be the lovely ____."

"Yes sir, and you must be the ever so wonderful Seokjin."

"I wouldn't call myself wonderful."

"My friend begs to differ."

A different waiter comes up to you too and hands you both the menus. After a moment of deciding, you both placed your orders. While you waited, you asked questions to get the conversation going.

"What do you do for a living?"

"Oh you know, just a boring old office job."

You were about to say your occupation but you were interrupted by ruckus. The restaurant was being raided and gun shots were heard. Jin was able to see the people and he grabbed your hand, tugging you out of the restaurant through the back exit.

You were almost out of the alleyway when someone grabbed your wrist. You let it a scream, making Jin turn around. In a millisecond, Jin punched the mysterious man. You both ran to his car and it felt like you were in a movie because you were suddenly being chased.

"You know how to drive right?"


"Great. You drive and I'll handle them."

You were too scared to ask questions but you started the car and got to driving. You're speeding through traffic while Jin is shooting the other cars tires. You're trying your best to drive in a straight line so his aim stays clear. He successfully shot them all and then presses a green button on the button. He tells you to let go off the wheel and remove your foot from the gas pedal. You look at him like he's crazy but do it anyway. The car still moves as if you're the one driving it. The button he press must have been an autopilot and it drove you two all the way to his house. The car pulls into his garage and stops.

You breathe heavily, trying to process what just happened. You were literally just transported into a spy movie. You never would've thought that a blind date would lead to this many turn of events.

"Some boring old office job, huh?"

"You gotta be a jack of all trades in this economy."

"Even if it means training to be a-"

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