[Summer Soulmates] || Donghyuck

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You were currently strolling on the beach, enjoying your ice cream. The sun was starting to set and everyone there looked happy. You stopped to watch the waves, letting it wash over your toes. You felt at peace and you soaked up the sun while it was still in place. You were interrupted from your thoughts when you hear someone yell, "Watch out!" When you turned to see where the direction of the voice was coming from, you were hit in the forehead by a frisbee.

You winced at the pain and started to rub your forehead. You see the words on your arm is starting to glow. You realized that the phrase that was just uttered was on your arm. Panic started to set because you were finally going to meet your soulmate. He finally came up to you and you could've swore that a real life angel was in front of you. His tanned skin glowed in the sunlight and you were silently thanking the heavens that they blessed you with a beautiful specimen like him. You may have been staring for a bit too long when he started to wave his hand infront of your eyes.

"Huh, what, hello."

His eyes widen and looks down at his arm to see the same thing happening to him. The phrase was starting to glow for him as well. You both looked up at each other and muttered at the same time, "It's you." Your smiles grew wider, happy to finally meet each other. You were so caught up with him that you didn't realize that the remainder of your ice cream melted down your hand.

"Hey, uh, your ice cream is melting."

You look down and there it was, melting away under the summer sun. You pouted because you genuinely enjoyed it but it was now gone.

"I have to get cleaned before it gets super sticky."

"I'll help you. I'm Donghyuck by the way."

"I'm ___."

"What a lovely name. Since we're soulmates and all, how about we have our first date over ice cream? Well if you want more ice cream that is."

"I would love to, considering I barely had enough." You slightly lifted the cone in your hand as proof. On the way to an ice cream booth, you threw out the cone and found some napkins to clean your hand and arm. You spent the rest of the afternoon getting to know each other and you bonded together so well. You ended the night watching the fireworks and exchanging numbers.

Once you got home, you texted him saying that you made it home and spent the rest of the night talking about anything and everything. You couldn't wait to see each other again and planned to meet up the next day. You couldn't get enough of each other and you're really glad that you finally met the one.

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