[Sales and Trades] || Taeil

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There was a book on the bookcase that you've never noticed before. It was a surprise because you could've sworn that the space where the book now occupies was empty. You couldn't resist the temptation so you decide to take the mysterious book off the shelf and go to your room with it. You flipped through the pages and as you enter going through the book, there was a line that started glowing red. Typically, you would avoid it at all costs but since you're already in a spiral, you decided to keep going down the rabbit hole.

Once you read the glowing line, you heard a faint "poof" and you felt a chill up your spine. You rose from your sitting position on the floor and said a quick prayer before slowing turn around. When you turned, there was a handsome man clad in all black in your room.  His dark red eyes were a contrast to his soft features.

"Ah, so you're the soul I'm collecting."

"I-I'm sorry what? Don't tell me I just-"

"Sold your soul? Yeah you did."

"Listen...Mr. Demon, sir. There's been a misunderstanding. You see-"

"So you always say 'I'd rather sell my soul' but now that the time has come you don't want to?"

"You see, I say that, I don't actually mean it."

"Well I'm already here and I can't leave empty handed."

You looked at the mysterious being in disbelief. How did you manage to accidentally sell your soul? You have so many questions and you need them answered.

"So that line I just read, that was me saying I want to sell my soul or whatever?"


"But the book was never on the bookcase before?"

"Because I planted it there."

"All this for my soul?"

"In my defense, you always say you'd sell your soul for something."


Now you were wondering how to make it away without it being sold but by the looks of it, it seems like all sales are final.

"Do I really have to give you my soul? Can't we like trade or something?"

"Hm, no one has ever offered a trade before. What do you have to offer?" He seemed very interesting as he looked around your room, seeing if there was anything worthy in it.

"Is there something in here that you like?"


"Me? There's no way out of this, is there?"

"Not really, no."

"I guess I can't argue with the dynamics of hell. Can I at least know the name of who's taking my soul?"

"I'm Taeil. If we're being honest here, I don't really want to take your soul either."

"So don't!"

"But since you summoned me..."

"You can't leave empty handed."

"I mean there is another way I can take your soul without killing you."

"How so? Please don't tell me I have to do some science experiment or a sacrifice."

"Neither of those things. Let me spend the night."

"You want to sleep here?"

"With you, yes."

Your heart was racing because there were only two ways that could be interpreted. Taeil made his way over to you and you backed away but your back hit the wall, leaving you trapped.

"You're a demon of lust as well as a soul collector?"

"You're a very smart one, aren't you? Let's say us demons get cravings and desires as well, even if it's for things or people in the mortal world."

"Even little ol' me?"

"Especially you."

You were very flattered that he had a desire for you but at the same time you were very scared. He could sense your fear and doubt and assured you that if you didn't want anything you weren't comfortable with, then he wouldn't do it and leave immediately.

"No, it's okay. It's all very surprising but I'll go through with it."


You nodded your head and said, "Yes, really. Plus who else can say that they nearly got their soul taken by a demon?"

"You would be the first person alive to tell that story."

"Now that we got ourselves a deal, let's get on with it, shall we?"

Although you nearly lost your soul in the literal sense, Taeil took your soul in a different kind of way.

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