[Just Dance] || Hoseok

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You and Hoseok were having your lazy day but you wanted an activity to do. Then you remembered that he has an Nintendo switch and someone gifted him the latest 'Just Dance' game.

"Babe, let's play a game. I'm bored." You made sure to drag out the last word for emphasis.

"What do you want to play?"

"Just Dance."

"You realize you're going to get upset again?"

"Again? What do you mean?"

"Last time we played a dance game, you wished that I was born with two left feet and how life was treating you unfairly."

"Well you trained in dancing. I want to play for fun but you're too good."

"Then I'll try not to be good."

"Ha, that's like asking Jin to stop making jokes."

He looked confused at your analogy before saying, "But he still does it even if you ask him to."


He was about to say something but no words can come out. He set up the game and you took turn doing solo dances. You were hyping each other and laughing at each other's mess ups. After taking a breather, you moves onto the couple dances.

"That's not fair, we did the same song and you did better than me."

Hoseok couldn't help but chuckle. He told you this would happen and you still wanted to do it.

"I told you this would happen again, babe."

"Well you're just great at dancing."

"We can stop if-"

"No way twinkle toes. I want a rematch."

"Alright then, let's go."

You spent the rest of the afternoon playing until you finally beat him in a round.

"I'm a winner! In your face Hobi!" You exclaimed while doing a victory dance. It took several songs but you finally beat him. Hobi couldn't help but laugh and watch you with love in his eyes. You were his tiny dancer and seeing you be this happy made his heart swell with even more love for you.

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