[I.O.U.] || Jeonghan

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You were apart of the cooking staff at the Yoon castle as your parents were the head chefs. You and the prince of the family, Jeonghan, grew up together as kids. Being best friends with a prince definitely had its perks, but the royalty lifestyle wasn't all that grand.

Since he is next in line for the throne, not only is he expected to find a suitor but he now has to attend the meetings with other kingdoms so he is in the loop of the affairs. There was a rival kingdom and the Yoon family was going to have a meeting with them at the opposing castle. Jeonghan wanted you to be there but you saw no reason for you to be there. You were helping yourself to some breakfast when Jeonghan came into the kitchen looking for you.

"Why should I go? I serve no purpose in that meeting."

"You serve purpose in being my right hand and keeping me calm."

"Oh so you're saying that if I don't go, you'll rage out and I'll miss the duel of the century?"

"I don't know about that last part but yes. I don't have a good feeling about this meeting and I need you to be my second pair of eyes and ears."

"Does this mean that I get to be an espionage?"

"Whatever it takes for you to come with us."

"You got yourself a deal. But wait, wouldn't your parents say something?"

"Oh they know already and they're fine with it."

"Alright then, when is this meeting?"


You whip your head around, giving him an incredulous look.

"Today? Why didn't you ask me beforehand?"

"Because I keep forgetting about this meeting."

You let out a sigh as you shake your head at him.

"Do I at least have time to wash up?" Jeonghan then looks up at the clock on the wall to figure out how much time you have.

"Hmm, I would say about an hour."

"Great, come get me when it's time. You know where to find me." You rush out of the kitchen as you head back to your room to get ready. You rummage through and find your most presentable outfit that you have. After doing your routine and getting dressed, Jeonghan knocked on your door.

"____, are you ready?"

You open the door and do a little spin, showing your outfit.

"I'm ready. Do you have everything you need?"

"I don't need to bring anything."

"Alright but let me stop by the kitchen and I'll meet you outside."

While you were getting dressed, you were having a weird feeling about this meeting. You weren't exactly sure what it was but something was telling to bring a bottle of tea to be safe. After grabbing the bottle, you went outside and you all headed to the neighboring kingdom for the meeting. You weren't allowed to be inside the room during the meeting so you waited outside in the hallway.

As the meeting was underway, you looked around your current surroundings. You observed the detailings of the walls when you heard hushed whispers down the hall. You notice two people might possibly be tampering with the drinks that they were about to serve at the end of the meeting. As it concludes, the doors open and both parties walk out the room. The servers hand the Yoon family their drinks and you see the evil glint in their eyes. You quickly whispered in Jeonghan's ear, telling him to not drink as you fear that they may tampered with it. He passes the messages to his parents and as you all are escorted to the garden, you discreetly dump out each cup.

In the carriage ride back home, the family thank you immensely for giving them the warning. You pull out the bottle and offer it to them incase they were thirsty. As his parents discuss between themselves, Jeonghan turned to talk to you.

"You saved me. I owe you my life." Jeonghan said as a form of expressing his gratitude to you.

"No thanks. I've seen it and I'm not very impressed."

"But you can have anything you want."

"I know, but that doesn't make up for all of the hardships you face now and in the future when you become king."

"Then how can I ever thank you?"

"By not firing me and my family."

"____, I could never. You're stuck with me forever and ever."

"You say that like we're married."

"In the future we might be." You spit out your tea and start to cough. He pats your back and you calm down.

"What do you mean we might be?"

"Just an idea I had, that's all." It was definitely an idea, an idea that he had for quite some time now. When the time is right he'll come to that topic but for now, he wants you to know how much you mean to him.

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