[Lucky Freshman] || Yoongi

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(Y/f/n) = your friend's name


Every one on campus knows about the Bangtan frat house. If no one told you during freshman week, you'll find out probably the first day of school. You were one of the lucky freshmen who got a tour with a member of the famous frat house. Your group had two members and you nearly died on the spot. The boys introduced themselves and you found out that they are the leaders of the house.

So many people in your group were gawking over Seokjin, the oldest but you weren't. Now don't get me wrong, you did find him attractive but there was something about Yoongi that stuck out to you. Anyways, while on the tour they would snapchat along the way. You saw them making the snaps but you too shy to ask for theirs.

Luckily for you, (y/f/n) has all of the frat boys on snapchat so they showed you the story at the end of the day. You went on Seokjin's story and watched it, when you let out a gasp.

"What's wrong?"

"You see this?"

"Yeah why?"

"I'm right there! You can see me!"

"Oh shoot you can."

You then went onto Yoongi's story and you nearly dropped the phone. He posted the same video but circled you and put heart eyes with the text, 'somebody tell me their name'. You felt like the happiest person in the world because your crush possibly liked you back.

// A few days later //

You fully moved into your dorm room and you were just head over heels excited. You still couldn't get over the fact that Yoongi might have on you. (Y/f/n) told you that the Bangtan frat house always threw a party to welcome in the new students and you didn't want to go alone so they went with you. You got dressed and your friend met up with you in your room. They led the way to the house, which isn't far away from the campus.

You open the door to see a bunch of new faces. Everyone was either dancing or talking to each other and it wasn't crazy like they show in the movies. This felt more intimate and welcoming with calmed you down. (Y/f/n) finds the members of the frat house and introduces you to the rest of the members.

"Seokjin and Yoongi, you remember ____ right? They were in your tour group the other day."

"I never forget an attractive face." Seokjin said to you, causing a blush to creep onto your cheeks.

Your friend leans in to say, "You just got here and you already got complimented by the visual king himself."

Yoongi on the other hand was speechless. He obviously remembered you because you've been on his mind these past few days. Jin smacked the back of his head to make him speak. "Yah, Yoongi, say something to them."

"H-hey." Yoongi mutters. You two looked at each other for a while before your friend helped you get alone with him. 

"Yoongi why don't you show ____ around the house incase they want to come here often and hang out?"

"Yea yea of course. Come on, I'll take you the a calmer part of the house."

He nervously grabbed your hand and led the way. When you turned around, your friend winked at you and gave you a thumbs up. He showed you all of the rooms and finished the tour on the balcony connected to his room. The view overlooked the sun and the lake.

"Yoongi this is beautiful! I would kill to have a view like this everyday."

"Yeah but it's not so nice when birds try to fly in the room in the middle of the night."

You chuckled and said, "I wouldn't like that." You two talked about everything and nothing. You didn't notice track of time until your friend was yelling for you from downstairs.

"I think I have to go. My friend can be a little impatient."

"Trust me, we all know." You two both laughed.

"So I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, whenever you want."

You made your way towards the door when you stopped to say, "Oh wait, Yoongi."


"Thanks for making my first college party a great one."

He flashed a gummy smile saying, "The pleasure is all mine."

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