[Early Morning Revelations] || Taehyung

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Based on the AU generated above

It was 2 am and for Pete's sake, you could not fall asleep. You turned your head to see Taehyung fast asleep. You got out of his grasp and walked to the window. Since your shared apartment was high up, the people down below looked really small. The lights of Seoul shined through the window and it displayed a rainbow of colors. You felt really warm so you took off your pajama pants and folded then away. Once you turned around, Taehyung was sitting up, staring at you.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

Taehyung didn't answer but you looked as to where his eyes were fixated on: your legs. Your shirt was a bit large so it worked fine as a night slip.

"Your moles form a triangle." Taehyung pointed out of the blue. You were aware that you had moles on your thighs but never knew that it formed a shape. You went to the mirror and noticed that he was in fact, correct.

"Huh, I never noticed that."


You shook your head, showing that you really never noticed small details about yourself. He turned on the lamp next to him and you both squinted your eyes, adjusting to the bright light. He got out of bed and led you to the mirror at the left corner of the room.

"Every time I see you, I look for new things about you. I notice your birthmark, your moles, small freckles. Everything that makes you perfect."

You couldn't help but blush at his confession. You never knew that he paid attention to stuff like this.

"Well besides the triangle, what else do you notice right now?" I asked him, expecting to hear more but his response took me by surprise yet again.

"That I need to tell you how much I love you more often."

"Are you always this mushy at ungodly hours?"

"For you, I'm mushy all the time."

You were about to lean in for a kiss but you pulled away since you felt a yawn escaping.

"I think we should call it a night."

"Yea, we should."

You went back to bed, waiting for Taehyung to turn off the lights and lie in the position you were once in: cuddled in between his arms. You easily fell asleep because being close to him put you at ease.

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