[Non-fictional Romance] || Namjoon

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You needed a book for your literature class and you didn't want to choose a book that you already read. You remembered seeing a small bookstore nearby campus so you decided to check it out, hopefully finding that catches your eye.

You enter the store and it has that fresh book smell. The atmosphere makes you feel warm and safe as you strolled around the shop. Since you obviously didn't know where to look, you must have appeared like a deer when it sees headlights. You feel a tap on your shoulder and a voice saying, "Excuse me?"

You turned around and as cheesy as it may sound, but you could've swore it was love at first sight. His eyes held a soft glaze and for a second, it had a small sparkle. You were speechless but you quickly covered it up by answering, "Yes?"

"I'm sorry to bother you but you look a little lost. Can I help you with anything?"

"I need a new book for my literature class. You got any suggestions?"

His eyes lit up in excitement and his dimpled smile grew bigger. He warned you that he could go on forever about his favorite books at the shop but to be quite frank, you wouldn't mind if he went on for hours. He lead you through different and picking up different books, explaining the plot, without spoiling it of course. You saw the passion in his eyes and how excited he was to finally talk about books with someone.

When he asked you which of the books you wanted, you decided to buy them all. He made them sound more interesting and you would read these books with him in mind. When you went to pay, he insisted on giving you a discount. You were fine with paying the full price but he says that you get a special "cute customer" discount. Realizing that he won't give up, you admit defeat and let him give you the discount.

Once you pay him, you linger in the store, not wanting to leave him. Before you step out, you asked if he was free the next day. Thank goodness he was because you wanted to see him again. Also, he would be great help with your report. This felt it was straight out of a teen movie but who cares. You were really falling for the charming book store employee.

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