[House of Cards] || Open Choice

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This may or may not be my first angst but this is definitely my first piece were you guys get to place your bias in the scenario! I might try this more often depending on how this goes. And yes, this is based off their song "House of Cards"


You knew from the moment you said yes to being his significant other, that the house of cards was starting to be built. Everything was perfect and picturesque at the beginning but then...

...things turned sour.

Schedules have clashed, dates have been forgotten. All of the things your friends were warning you about were coming true. You loved him but you were afraid that he didn't love you. Waking up next to each other turned into you sleeping on a cold bed. You rarely visit the dorm anymore and your apartment isn't as content as it used to be.

You feared the day that one of you would end the relationship but then again, may be it would be best if it did. You both tried to make it work, adding cards to the house, knowing that adding too much may cause it to collapse. It wasn't healthy on both of your parts but you really wanted one last chance to make it work.

After your night out with him, you said, "I miss having nights like this." He nodded in agreement and smiled at you. A smile that wasn't his usual, almost fake and ungenuine. Once you reached your apartment, the walls of your house of cards were starting to concave.

"I can't keep this up anymore."

That sentence alone pierced your heart.

"Can't keep what up anymore?"

"This." He said waving his hand between you two.

"I try to make time but whenever I do, you're always busy."

"This is my career."

"I know it's your career, but you can make the choice of taking time out of your day or not."

His hand that was once relaxed is now clenched into a fist.

"You know that I can't just take breaks. We're in high demand so we can't start and then stop something."

"You say this as if I don't understand."

"Because you don't!" He exclaimed.

The tension in the air was very thick. You really can't believe he said that. But after collect your thoughts together, you fired back a response.

"I don't understand, huh. Who has there to bring you food at 1 in the morning? Who was there when you overworked yourself into sickness? Who was there when you couldn't finish a song? Tell me. Who was there?"

He shifted his gaze from you to the floor, knowing the answer.

"Answer me!" You demanded.

"You." He whispered.

"Say it louder."

"You." He said louder.

He finally looked up and you can see it in his eyes that he's angry, yet upset. You both had an argument like this in the past but it never felt like this before.

"You're right. This isn't working."

He blinked in shock but kept his composure with a sigh. "So what now?"

"We end here. It's better this way since you value your career more than anything."

Now it was his turn to raise his voice.

"You know I'm going to put my career very high! I've worked very hard for this! I'm sacrificing my free time to perfect my craft!"

"I understand that! I'm sorry that I care too much!" You yelled back.

Your chest was rising and falling and you were fighting back your tears but you just couldn't do it.

"I'm s-"

"Don't bother. Go marry your career since that's the only thing you care about."

"Are you really saying-?"

"Yes. We're over. I'll still support you and your precious career but don't expect me to take you back when you want a relationship."


"I hope you treat your next partner way better than you treated me. Make sure you make time for them. Learn from this relationship and fix yourself with your future relationships."

You stared at each other and you shifting your gaze to the door back to him, hoping he gets the message, which he did.

He reaches for the doorknob, stopping to say, "I'm sorry that I wasn't a good boyfriend. If you ever need anything, let me know."

You nodded your head, too weak to trust your voice.

Once he walked out and closed the door, you felt your world crumbling. You knew it was best for him not to be in a relationship, but regardless you wish the best for him. You wiped your cheeks and went to check your phone, seeing your lockscreen. It was a picture of you two on your first date. It made you cry harder and then reality hit: your house of cards has finally collapsed.

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