[Familiar Face] || Soonyoung

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Based on the prompt above

You work at the zoo, more specifically the tiger exhibit. When the zoo would be open, you never really see the same face more than a few times. Families would come often so there's no surprise to you but there is one person you see more often than anyone else. You don't know his name but he always comes to your exhibit and whenever you see him, his eyes sparkle in glee each and every time.

This time however, it seems like he has a few friends with him. He has on a tiger headband and he's bouncing in excitement. One of his friends come up to you and tells you that they were the group for the upclose tiger tour and they led you back to the group.

"Hello everyone! I'm ____ and I'm in charge of the tiger exhibit here. If I'm correct, it's somebody's birthday today?"

"Me! It's me! Soonyoung!"

Soonyoung, what a nice name.

"Alright birthday boy, I'm sure the tigers will love to see your familar face as well as everyone else's fresh faces."

"You think they'll recognize me?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"I have a good feeling they will, considering how often you come here."

You see his cheeks start to turn pink as his friends start to tease him.

"Anywho, shall we get started?"

They all cheered and they followed you inside. You reached a spot where they all could fit and see the tigers closely without getting hurt and started to tell them facts about them. From time to time, you would look at Soonyoung and seeing his bright smile made you feel warm inside. You've always thought that he was cute but you couldn't talk to him in the past for obvious reasons.

Coincidentally, they came around feeding time so they took turns feeding them. They all took many pictures and videos of and with the tigers. Soonyoung told you that he thinks he resembles a tiger.

"____, I look like a tiger right?"

You took a good look at his face. You don't see any resemblance to the feline but you do see a resemblance to another creature.

"No, but you look like a cute hamster."

His friends try their best to hold in their laughter as Soonyoung pretends to look mad at you.

"Ah, you know what? I see it now." After saying that, his wide smile appears on his face once again. You couldn't help but smile back at him. As the session came to an end, you felt accomplished that you finally got to know his name after seeing him for so long. You thanked them all for coming and they expressed their gratitude and happiness about the session. You were about to walk back in to tend to the tigers but Soonyoung stopped you.

"Hey uh, I'm not sure when your shift ends but I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat sometime today?"

"I'm actually done so if you're up for some lunch we can now?"

"That's perfect!"

"Okay, let me get my stuff and I'll meet you at the entrance?"

"Sounds good."

You rushed to grab your stuff and change out of your uniform so you can meet up with him. After meeting at the entrance, you two went to a nearby restaurant for lunch and had an amazing time together. You were glad to finally put a name to a familar face.

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