[Colors Have Meaning] || Namjoon

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Every human on this planet is born without seeing color until they meet their soulmate. Some sadly didn't get to experience that moment, and you wanted to make sure you got that moment. You just weren't sure how that would work out exactly but you didn't quit.

Kim Namjoon was another person who couldn't see color and was destined to find his soulmate. His love for the outdoors developed when his parents described the colors around him. He always asked about colors in his appearance, such as his eye color and his clothes. Being a member of a group that is a global sensation, it gives him way more opportunities to try and meet his destined partner.

You being a fan of BTS, you saved money and luckily for you, you bought your ticket close to the stage. Your friends told you that your soulmate could be a group member but you seemed that it was impossible to happen. Regardless, you decided to be optimistic because you believed that you could meet your soulmate.

As you looked at the people, you were a bit disappointed that you still haven't seen a speck of color. There were several thousands in this big arena and yet nothing. Your thoughts were cut off when the room got darker and then music started to play. BTS were right there on stage, doing what they do best.

Now they were performing songs where they walk around the stage and interact with fans. You had moments with each of the members but there was no burst of color. That was the case until you made eye contact with Namjoon.

The moment you two locked eyes, it felt like time was slowing down. Tears started to form in your eyes, seeing what you have desired for years. His eyes started to tear up to because he was getting the same experience as you. He looked away to see the colors around him. He hugged all of his members, finally seeing them in their true light. He ran back to your section and sat on the stage. He spoke to the security guard, asking him to take you backstage after the show ends.

As the show drew to a close, the members were waving and saying goodbye. Namjoon looked right at you, saying thank you. After they left the stage and people were exiting the arena, you continued to look around at all of the new colors. You were going to leave but a security guard asked you to follow him backstage.

You were escorted to a room where the members were cooling off. You were immediately greeted with a hug from Namjoon and tears started to form again. You both held each other, crying tears of joy. You pulled away and looked at him. His eyes sparkled and you knew that it truly was meant to be.

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