[Lows] || Open Choice

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You felt like your world was crashing. After that conversation at the park, you were starting to talk down on yourself. Maybe they're afraid to fall in love because you haven't made it easy to do so. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't hear them call your name. They then made their presence known by tapping your shoulder. You flinched in surprise before relaxing when you realized it was your partner.

"Oh hey, it's you. You can't be sneaking on people like that." You said with a chuckle and a small smile.

"What's wrong?" They ask you.

You shook your head, telling them that everything is fine.

"Are you sure? You had that look on your face whenever you're lost in your thoughts."

"Oh that, I just remembered something cringy from the past." You said with a shiver. They giggled at the action and you felt relieved that they believed you.

"Enough about me, what's up with you?" You asked them, bringing the attention away from you.

"I just wanted to know if you were down to play some games with me."

"Of course I'm down! Be prepared to lose though."

"In your dreams, punk."

Many rounds later, you both called a truce and ate lunch. They were telling you a funny story that they remembered and you couldn't help but stare at them lovingly. They notice your stare and they wave their hand in front of your face. You flinched and blinked, seeing your partner looking at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Were you listening just now?"

"I was but I got distracted by your beauty."

They scrunched their face in digust, pretending to gag.

"Don't act like you don't enjoy it."

"I don't enjoy it." They said with a straight face. You two stared at each other and shortly after, a smile started to form on their face.

"Told you, no can resist this." You said while gesturing to your body.

"You got me there."

Sometime after, they went home and you were once again lost in your head. You knew sooner or later you would have to talk to them about this before it becomes something larger. You debated on whether or not to text them but they beat you to it by calling you.


"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm home."

"Okay, that's great."

"That's not the real reason why I called though."

"Oh...what's wrong?"

"I should be asking you that."

"What do you mean?"

"I know something is up with you. I'm not sure what but something tells me that you weren't remembering a cringy memory."

You sighed, frowning that they saw right through you.

"It's just...how do I say this?"

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?"

"No!" You exclaim a little too quickly.

"Okay good, I was about to say..."

"No, no...it's not that, never that. It's just...our conversation at the park the other day."


You're met with silence before speaking again.

"When you said that you were afraid to fall in love, it made me wonder if I haven't made it easy for you. Maybe I'm the reason why you're afraid to fall. You could be fearing that I won't catch you."
You felt the tears that you didn't know that you were holding in streaming down your face.

"Baby...why didn't you tell me when I was with you earlier?"

"I-I was afraid you would leave."

"____, I would never leave. I thought about what you said at the park too."

You sniffled and started to wipe your tears as they continued to speak.

"It's true that I've been hurt before but you...you are absolutely the best. You take good care of me, you listen to me, you make me smile and laugh. You did all the things the others couldn't do, or should I say didn't bother doing. You made me feel so good about myself on my lowest days and I couldn't ask for a better person to fall in love with."

"Wait a minute...do you...?"

"Yes ____, I love you, I'm in love with you, I love every and anything that has to do with you. "

You feel new tears starting to fall down.

"I'm in love with you too. I've been in love for a while now if we're being honest here."

Your partner comments about how whipped you are for them and you both chuckle, not afraid to admit it.

"Now I'm really regretting not having the conversation in person."

"You know, you can always come over so we can say it to each other."

"Let me make my face look presentable again and I'll be right over."

"You can come with your tear dried face because I've been crying too."

You rush over to their place and you didn't have to ring the bell as they swung their door open. You both say "I love you" at the same time with the biggest smiles on your faces and you seal the deal with a kiss. You felt all the weight of the world leave your shoulders, feeling relieved that the fall didn't hurt for them one bit.

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