[Tearful Farewells] || San

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Based on the prompt above

As much as you love the excitement of tour starting and seeing San doing what he loves for many to see, it also hurts having to see him go. You couldn't take an extended time off so you can't spend the entire duration of tour with him. You already planned which stops you would be going to but it still doesn't compare to not having him by your side.

Days leading up to his departure, you've been glued to his side as much as possible. You went to all the practices and did the snack runs for them. Usually you would run away from San whenever he would try to give you a sweaty hug but now you're going in for the hugs first. He doesn't mind one bit but he knows that you're doing this since you won't be able to do so for a while.

The bittersweet day of departure finally arrived and you didn't want him to leave. Of course it sounds selfish of you for wanting him all to yourself but you can't help but feel this way. You were looking between him and the gate, knowing that he'll have to board his flight soon. You already gave your hugs to the other members, wishing them well so now San was the last one.

"What am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

"Well, what do you usually do when I'm gone?"

"Wait for you to come back."

You can see the heartbreak in his eyes, and it causes your eyes to start watering. He cups your face in his hands, thumbs catching stray tears. You press your forehead against his, muttering that you'll always hate this part, to which he agrees. You pull back so you can see him again and you see that his eyes are starting to tear up too. You then wiped the tears while he started to speak.

"We've done this many times before, but why does this time feel different?"

"No idea, but it could be because my baby is becoming more well known around the world. But remember I'll be there at certain stops so we'll see each other soon."

He nods, a small smile starting to form. You start poking at his cheeks, wanting a full smile from him. You then start pressing kisses on his face and you hear him giggling. You were so focused on his smile that you didn't notice his hands were at your sides, starting to tickle you. You try to wiggle out of his grasp but he has a strong hold on you. He stops tickling you and you have the chance to catch your breath. Over the intercom, you hear that his plane is now allowing passengers to board.

"You should get going, I don't want you to get scolded...you know, again."

"I'll take all the scolding if it means being with you even for a few more seconds."

"Cheesy much?"

"You love it."


"Oh then I'll just go off then and you won't get your kiss."

He turns around with his head held high and you quickly grab his shoulder, turning him around. You didn't even give him the chance to make a snarky comment because you take him by his collar and pull him done for a kiss. You try to muster all the love you have for him and he reciprocates, matching your intensity. You pull away, leaving him speechless. You say to him, "Now go be a rockstar."

San is frozen in his spot and Yunho appears, telling you that he got it from here before dragging San away towards the gate. You waved at them, San finally realizing what's happening to him. He yells a declaration of love for you and Yunho covers his mouth, telling him to be quiet. You already can't wait until you see him again but for now you look forward to your next facetime call.

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