Overworld Chapter 8 - In the Depths of a Giant

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            …and the carved city that was beyond. Once the tunnel opened up, the walls parted into a round, tiered cavern, each level becoming smaller as it went down until it reached the last level, where an wooden pulley system hung over an opening down into a mine. Dark stone braziers lit the stone halls in brilliant orange-red light.

            A goron rolled up in front of them, popping open to its feet when it was about ten feet away. “Ohwp! This is no place for humans.”

            “Neither of us are human,” Endeavor replied. The goron scratched its head. Endeavor went on, “I am a Drex, and he is Hylian. That is not human.”

            “This is no place for anyone other than the gorons,” the goron replied sternly.

            “That will not do,” Endeavor returned. “We need to get into the Temple of Power.”

            The goron paused. “The Temple…of Power?” He shook his head. "Never heard of that, brother. You must have the wrong place."

            Endeavor groaned. She asked Link, ”Do none of your people remember the legends before them or what their goddesses stand for? One would believe that by know they would consider these things after...oh, nevermind.”

            Link shrugged, and Endeavor turned back to the goron. “Your chieftain will know what we are looking for. May we speak with him?”

            The goron said, “This is no place for you. You must leave.”

            “We’re not with those soldiers outside,” Link said, trying to help.

            Again, the goron shook his head, answering, “This is no place for anyone other than gorons. Dark things happening here. You are better facing the green-skinned monsters, brother.”

            Endeavor unstrung her violin from her pack. She stated, “I know how to deal with darkness. If nothing else, let me play to your people to help ease their hearts in these dark times.” The goron frowned, but Endeavor added, "A little music never hurt anyone."

            The goron hesitated, looking at the two warriors. “Ohww…alright. But you leave your weapons here. I don’t want Bigbrother Darinus thinking I let in soldiers.”

            “Fair enough,” Link replied. Endeavor looked at him, raising a brow. Link just smiled as he undid his sword belt and leaned his sword and shield against a brazier. Endeavor reluctantly followed suit, setting her rapier and double helix knife beside Link’s weapons.

            Satisfied that the two were unarmed, the goron rolled up, and began rolling back down into the city. Link and Endeavor followed, Endeavor with her violin and her bow in hand. Link walked beside her, looking at all the features of Goron City.

            Each tier of the city had a different use, all of them connected by stairs and ramps carved further into the mountain. The top tier had shops for gorons and visitors alike, filled with all sorts of wares. The second tier was aimed more for entertainment, though it had its fair share of storage rooms. Gorons pounded at each other in sumo rings, or bet on those who were wrestling.

            The third tier was a housing district. The only shops this far down were blacksmiths, trying to get the hottest lava for their forges. Like all the levels above it, the goron symbol was painted in red paint just about everywhere there was room for it to be seen.

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