Overworld Chapter 42 - Pirate Ships

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            …and back onto the deck of Lynard’s ship. Endeavor gasped for air, coughing as she started to sit up. Zelda was laying out on the deck, catching her breath as well. Link pulled his mask down and took in a deep breath of air. It was salty, but it was air.

            Lynard leaned back on the tiller, nearly recovered. He asked, “What did you find down there?”

            Link untucked the cannon from his chest. He handed it to Lynard. The man held it for a moment, looking over the object. “This isn’t a key.”

            Sitting up, Endeavor answered, “That depends on how you look at it. That device has the strength of a dragon. If they do not let us in the front door, well…”

            “That is a powerful device,” Lynard replied, handing it back to Link.

            “It seems more useful on a ship than on land,” Zelda said. “Wouldn’t it be better to leave it here, with you?”

            Lynard stated, “I suppose your right, Highness, but I don’t really want those pirates to see it yet. I’m not sure if they know about how powerful it is, and also having a cannon on the side of the ship makes us look more hostile already.”

            Endeavor replied, “They are already trying to shoot us out of the water. I am not sure if having it hidden will help us.”

            The man sighed, before pulling the sail back up. “Well, keep it out if you feel like it, I guess. But don’t hit any of the sailors. Aim for the mast and the hull.” He took the tiller again, and eased the ship out from the rocks where they were hiding. One of the pirate ships loomed on their horizon. Lynard eased towards it. “Do you want to engage?”

            Endeavor said, “If we engage, then we state our intent. If we do not, they are bound to continue to chase after us.”

            “How far are we from the temple?” Link asked, turning towards the huge dome that encased the Fire Temple. Dozens of pirate ships cruised the waters between here and there. “And how many of those are we going to meet on the way there?”

            Lynard said, “If we take out this one, and going around the edge of the building.” He pointed around the edge of the fort. “I could skirt a couple of those. Of course, I can only guess what kind of guards are sailing around the edge of the fort.”

            Zelda inquired, “Why do they had so many ships?”

            “Steamships are taking over the fleets of Hyrule,” Lynard answered. “Ships like those and mine can be bought cheap, or stolen without much concern. If you want a simple answer, I’d tell you that it’s because of innovations.”

            The ship came up beside them. Link could hear laughter from the ship’s deck. The cannons craned out from the sides of the ship, pointing down at Lynard’s boat.

            Lynard started to turn the ship. Link stood on the edge of the ship, pointing his small cannon up at the mast. “Loo’ ah his wee cannon, lads. Wha’s he mean to-do wit that?” The laughter increased, of course, but Link just continued to aim. The sound the cannon made was enormous, but the shock of it was what sent Link back over the edge of the boat.

            What followed was a snap more powerful than thunder as the mast went tumbling back. The wood creaked and groaned under the strain. Link bobbed back up to the surface in time to see the pillar of wood fall into the ocean. He threw the Port Key back over the edge of the ship, and pulled himself back up. The pirates quickly changed from humored to stunned to enraged. The cannons wheeled back around, and began to hiss before the booming of cannons rang out.

            Link braced himself as he fired a second shot at the ship’s hull. A gap opened in the side, before a crack splintered up the side of the ship. Water gushed in by the gallon. Lynard quickly pulled his sail back up, and hurried them out of the way of the wreckage as pirates flung themselves to safety in the water.

            “That has quite the knock back,” Lynard noted.

            Endeavor said, “I would change back, if I were you. That may be useful armor for deep sea adventures, but it does not fair well with heat and fire.”

            Link handed the cannon to Zelda, before he pulled off the helmet of his armor off. Other than his boots and the helm, he had left his green tunic on, considering their restricted space. He quickly pulled off the blue armor, and put his green cap back on.

            Zelda fired off the cannon. Link looked up and saw pirate’s ship tumbled over on its side as it began to sink. Zelda’s shot had cut through the ship at a brilliant diagonal, cutting in from the hull and up through the mast. It was marvelous shot. Link looked over at Zelda as she lowered the cannon. Lynard said, “You might want to hang on to that for us, Highness.”

            “Gladly,” Zelda said, brushing off her dress. “Good to be of some use.”

            Lynard navigated them through the waters. The tall rocks began to ease off, and Link looked out at the great open expanse that was the beyond Hylia Bay. Lynard said, “There aren’t many ventures out that way anymore, but I suppose there will be soon. Last I heard, the Crown wants to sail out, find what’s beyond our borders again.”

            Zelda added, “He’s right. My father wanted to build a ship that would sail out and find new kingdoms beyond our own. Hyrule has been safe in fact that we have high walls surrounding us, keeping us safe, keeping us hidden, but we can’t stay hidden forever. Sooner or later, we’ll need to venture out too. Though, I suppose there would be better times for adventures beyond our country than now.”

            Endeavor murmured, “Beyond the waters of Hyrule, lies a hidden island…to take to stranger tides, and sail beyond the veil, though dead men tell no tales…”

            “What are you talking about?” Zelda asked.

            “The lost islands,” Lynard answered. “When you two came here, sailing from the old Hyrule, you passed through a series of islands. People have ventured to find them again, but no one has returned. Some think that the ocean took all the islands, but others say that some still remain.”

            “Perhaps you could come back another day and find out,” Endeavor suggested. “But for now, mind the fort.”

            Lynard returned, turning the ship hard as they came upon the side of Fort Hylia. The huge massive of stone loomed above them. Link ducked as they passed by. He looked up at the massive dome. Endeavor said, “To imagine, a volcano out here.”

            “A volcano!” Link exclaimed, in wonder.

            “Not anymore,” Endeavor answered. “A volcano erupted here, years ago. This pocket formed. Years have eroded the top away, but this structure is hollow, and a fine shelter against most of the elements for a fortress like ours here. Though, you must be careful with a fortress like this. They did not build this wall, and if they take too much away, it cannot be rebuilt easily on the ocean.”

            Link inquired, “How do they get in?”

            “There was a door…” Lynard said. He turned them against the wind and cruise into the reaches of the stone. “It seems she’s tried to hide it. But these eyes don’t forget. There it is.” He pointed to a crack on the wall. “Aim there, Highness.”

            Zelda turned the cannon towards the wall. She fired at the gap in the wall. The wall shattered, a wave moving their ship back a space. The frame of a door could be made out. Lynard dropped his sail. “Prepare yourself. Hide that, Highness. I doubt coming in with that out would do us any good. Besides, cannons are meant for ships, and I think she's emptied hers out on the ocean.”

            The princess handed Link his cannon back. He quickly stowed the item as they sailed on…

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