Mini Boss 13 - First Mate Omar

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            …and into the tunnel before the Cage. Omar sat on the edge of the platform, running a stone down his blade. The pirate held up the blade to the light. Link had almost begun to wonder if the man had noticed them when Omar spoken up, “She warned me that ye be comin’. Ye should of stayed in the cell.”

            Link stood his ground. He gripped the staff. Omar stood up, and swung his sword in a small loop. “A little wooden stick ain’t going tuh save yuh, lad.”

            Suddenly, there was a flash of golden light. Link almost thought Zelda had summoned her bow back until he saw the tips of Yore’s wings fly off across the Cage. Omar raced after the bird for a few steps until he realized that the hawk, and his sword, were out of reach.

            While Omar had stumbled out, Link hurried after him into the Cage. The floor began to shift, and Lynard jumped on to the platform before the door slammed shut behind them. Zelda and Endeavor stopped themselves before they tumbled over the edge. Link braced himself as the floor shifted. Lynard seemed at ease stabilizing himself on the moving platform.

            Omar turned back around. “Ye’re lucky for yer song berd. But yuh’ll be wishin’ yuh stayed where yuh were now.”

            The pirate cracked his knuckles. The sound was horribly audible. Link braced himself for a fight.

            The attack came faster than Link was expecting a man that size to be able to move. He raised his staff, the metal in his staff shuddering as it blocked the blow. Link swept the floor with his staff, causing the man to lose his footing.

            Link knew the man wasn’t going to fight fair so he didn’t bother trying to help the man up. He hit Omar hard in the sternum, before he took a step back. This was still a man, not a monster.

            The Cage had risen up to the second level, and the door opened for a moment. A few more men jumped onto the platform before the door slammed shut again. Link moved out of the way as the men targeted him. Lynard started to work his way into the crowd, picking off men on the edges.

            Omar launched himself again at Link. The man refused to even consider attacking Lynard, and instead continued to focus on Link. Link found that his earlier swing was going to be a lot harder to repeat than he thought. Omar kept him on the defense for most of the fight, and battling with the constantly shifting floor didn’t help either. Link tried to keep his distant for a while, but Omar was not going to let Link keep that gap between them.

            The Cage lowered back down to the level where they had started. Endeavor jumped onto the platform, but the door closed before Zelda could join them. Endeavor moved in behind Omar, forcing him to back off to concentrate on both targets.

            This lapse gave Link the perfect moment to strike. Omar left his blind on Link for too long, and Link took the chance to strike the man again. He stumbled back a step, wobbling on the unstable floor. Link drove in to strike again, knocking the man over. He hit once more on the man’s chest, and he heard a loud breath escape Omar’s mouth.

            Link backed up again. The Cage had gone back up to the upper floor of the fortress, and yet more pirates piled into the small lift. Omar started to pull himself up, but Link had a moment to try and clear out some of the other threats. Endeavor helped him opened up the area again, and Lynard continued to keep the rim clear.

            Omar stood up. He was livid, sweat rolling down his temples. The heat was getting to Link too. They both needed to end this fight.

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