Overworld Chapter 9 - Fire On the Mountain

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            …and the bustling Goron City. Gorons looked up as the threesome appeared on the edge of the mines. Groko shouted, “OHWP! Big Boss! Big Boss we did it! We restored the mines!”

            Darinus came out of his chamber, standing in the doorway of the tunnel. Groko pulled the ruby off his neck, and held it up for Darinus to see. “See! We got this back from the sealing room! From Gor Garion’s spirit! And we found Din’s temple! I saw her phoenix!”

            Groko climbed up next to the Big Boss to show the goron the ruby. Darinus put a hand on his forehead as he listened to Groko explain what had happened. Once Groko had finished, the Big Boss took the gem from Groko and looked at it closer. Darinus sighed, “Ohwwww….” He turned to Link and Endeavor, saying, “It seems you were able to do what the gorons could not.”

            “It seems you are in our debt,” Endeavor replied. “Something that can be easily remedied.” She crossed her arms, her head tilting up towards the exit of Goron City.

            The Big Boss nodded. “That was our deal.” He turned to the gorons present, and commanded in his big, booming voice, “We go to help our Southern Brothers!”

            There was a cheer around the spiraling city. Link looked up and saw gorons shouting down from the very top of the city, before turning and beginning the march out of their home to help the troops outside.

            Darinus gripped Link’s shoulder. Link looked up, leaning out of the grip a little to keep his blood flowing as Darinus spoke, “You’re a good man, brother. You and your companion are Sworn Brothers with our people now. If you ever need us in the future, don’t be afraid to call on the gorons.”

            As Groko rolled up on Link’s other side, Darinus shouted, “Now on to battle! We’ll send them rolling back down the mountain, brother!” With that the two gorons curled up and began rolling up the spiral ramps to the exit of their city.

            Link began to follow, when something stopped him. “Ahem.” Link turned back to face Gor Rocon, and the three other goron elders. Gor Rocon said, “You have done more than the gorons can repay. We want to thank you properly for what you’ve done for our people.” He turned to the three other elders. “Gra, Torbon, Surio, the gift.”

            The three elder gorons lifted something from behind them. Gor Gra, a plump, white goron was in the back, probably the eldest of the four. Gor Torbon was a dark gray-brown color and stood to the right. Gor Surio took the object from the other two in his tan stone hands, and handed it to Link.

            It was a pair of golden bands, with goron symbols carve around the sides. Gor Rocon said, “They were designed for our Southern Brothers. They have the strength of the gorons in them. You seem the most suited to have them after all you’ve done for us.”

            You got the power bracelets. They have the strength of the gorons in them. They make your attacks stronger, and you can lift things you couldn't before as long as you have them equiped.

            Link slid the bands beneath his gloves. He didn’t feel any stronger, but he bowed to each of the gorons in thanks for the unique. They smiled back at him for the gesture.

            Endeavor snapped, “Link! There is a battle outside this city, and it will be in here if you do not hurry.” Link bowed to the goron elders again, before hurrying after Endeavor back up to the top of the city.

            The sunlight was terribly bright after being underground for so long. Link shielded his eyes as he followed behind Endeavor down towards the soldiers’ camp. There was commotion from below. Flaming rocks crashed into the ranks of troops, many falling in their attempts to regroup after the attacks.

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