Mini Boss 10 - Swamp Siren Palus

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            …and grow into the shape of a woman. The water wrapped the figure in moss and long reeds. The woman turned her head to look at Link. He didn’t recognize the face, or…he didn’t think he did.

            “Dear, what are you doing?” the figure asked.

            Link looked over at Mirum. The twili was shaking her head. Link asked, “Are we seeing the same thing?”

            Endeavor turned to Link. “I doubt that. The swamp choses someone important to you to show you. I believe Mirum sees the woman she failed to save. I see my mother before me. But the swamp can only capture the images of the dead. And I do not believe you realize who it is you see before you.”

            Looking back at the figure, Link inquired, “So, what do we do?”

            Drawing her sword, Endeavor answered, “We destroy this disrespectful abomination.”

            The woman crossed her arms. “If that’s the way it has to be, then very well.” The water swelled beneath the figure.

            Epona leapt out of the way as a pillar of water crashed down over them. Link pulled his sword out and put his shield between him and the water. Epona galloped around the ring, avoiding the crashing water. Epona neighed after several laps. “Link, we can’t just keep dodging these attacks. We need to do something.”

            Link dropped his head as Epona slid across a patch of rock. He said, “Getting close to her isn’t going to be easy. I’m not letting you swim out there.”

            “We could wait for her arms to crash into the stone long enough to hit them,” Epona offered.

            “That’s going to take too long,” Link said, pulling Epona to a halt as another column crashed in front of them. He pulled out the Water Sage’s medallion and the Sage’s Rod. “Let’s see what this thing can do.”

            Link put the medallion into the crook of the Sage’s Rod. Water shot out from the sides of the medallion, and wrapped itself around the golden staff. The water froze, turning the upper half of the Sage’s Rod white from the ice.

            Hanging the rod over his side, Link said, “Come on.” He pulled Epona’s reins. The mare protested, before eventually followed the order. She leapt onto the water, only to land on ice. The horse skid, before regaining her footing. Ice came up behind them as she charged across the pool. Link pulled his sword back out, and began slashing at the water. To his surprise, it felt like he was hitting something. It also caused a reaction from the creature.

            After a beating, the creature returned the attack on Link and Epona beneath her. One of her hands crashed down behind them. Epona leapt out of the way, racing back to the stone ring. Keeping the Sage’s Rod hanging on his side, Link gripped the reins as Epona raced back around the circle again.

            Endeavor raced up beside Link. She asked, “How did you figure that out?”

            “I don’t know, I just figured it would work,” Link replied.

            “Well keep doing it,” Endeavor returned. “Dominus, get something on those arms when they are in reach.”

            Dominus nodded, and summoned his two creatures back. The twilits chased the pillars around the ring, pounding any of the appendages that crashed into the stone.

            Link pat Epona’s side. “You ready to skate again?”

            Epona tossed her head. “Of course.”

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