Boss 4 - Pure Arachnid Queen Gohma

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  • Dedicated to Cat Bridegam

            …and to find out what this monster was really like. When he came out on the other side of the tunnel, Link found himself in a large, well-lit room. There were huge stain glass windows, with sunlight filtering through. Link figured they must have gone deep into the mountains, beyond the castle, in order for there to be sunlight It was a nice change from the torch light though.

            There was many silver candelabras heading towards the back of the room. Some of the candles were still burning. Others had their lights blown out. Still others at been damaged by some terrible creature.

            It was a large room. Its ceilings were even higher than that of the main room of the temple. Spider webs hung from almost every corner. Link heard Zelda whisper behind him, “There couldn’t be babies, could there?”

            Endeavor answered, “There could, but without a male pureblood Gohma, they would be like the Gohma hatchlings that already live in this world. That is how the line fell before.”

            There was a rustle in the wind, and Link resisted the urge to look towards where the sound had come from. The sound of rapid, tapping feet raced across the floor, the noise echoing around the room. A chill ran down Link's spine, his nerves on edge.

            Link stopped and looked up. He dreaded what he saw. From the ceiling, the beast lowered itself by a silk thread. The torso was that of a massive spider. It was black and hairy, and the four legs attached to it kept the rest of the body from swaying on its thread. The upper half of the body was that of a woman. Much like of the young purebloods, the Gohma had long pincers extending from its jaw. It had four arms and the same long hair of its younger self.

            The whole creature must have been the size of a small dragon. Link thought it was about the same as Queen Dodongo. The beast’s head swayed back and forth, its six yellow, silted eyes watching Link intently.

            It broke its thread and twisted around in the air. Landing on its four spider-like legs, and pureblood Gohma looked down at Link with distant and gluttony. It shrieked at them, its pincers vibrating from the sound. Poison dripped off its fangs, spraying across the room. Link raised his shield to block some of it.

            Two fists came down at Link. He rolled out of the way to dodge the attack. Pounding legs followed as it turned to find Link. The shrill noise of the monster echoed around the room, vibrating everything.

            The monster dropped its hands down and leaned over Link. Link kept his shield between him and the beast. As the head dropped down towards him, he jabbed the monster in its chin. The monster cried in pain, and pulled its head back, but the wound was small overall.

            Enraged, the Gohma scuttled across the floor after Link. It leaned back onto its very hind legs, about to flatten him. Zelda fired at the monster’s stomach, but the spider kept its top hands planted on the ceiling to keep it balanced until it was ready to let go and fall ontop of Link. Realizing this, Link tried to think of some other way to knock the creature over.

            Link pulled out his ocarina. It was a strange urge that had caused him to do it, but he did. Without much thought, he just started playing notes. The Gohma grabbed its head with both sets of hands. It wobbled on its back legs and fell over on its back.

            Drawing its sword, Link rushed towards the monster. Beneath its bulging abdomen was a large yellow eye with a roving red pupil. It glared at Link as he approached. Link drove his sword into it, cutting away at the orb as quickly as he could.

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