Mini Boss 5 - Endeavor

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            ...with the full force of her blade. Link raised his sword in time to block the attack, but stumbled back a step. Endeavor hit him across the face with her wrist guard. Link went flying over the floor.

            "Link!" Zelda shouted from over the railing. She started down the stairs towards him, but a golden wall appeared to stop her from coming down. Zelda looked at Endeavor. "What in Goddesses' names are you doing?"

            "Stay out of this!" Endeavor barked at Zelda, pointing her sword up at the princess. Zelda scowled Endeavor, and drew her bow. Link struggled to his feet as Endeavor came at him again. One of Zelda's golden plumed arrows sunk itself between the two of them. Endeavor turned back to look at Zelda.

            Link slammed his shield into Endeavor. He didn't know what else to do. Even if she was trying to kill him, he didn't want to try to kill her. He had this feeling Endeavor wasn't herself, and it was growing more and more into certainty.

            The hit knocked Endeavor back. It gave Link a moment to get away from her. He stumbled across the room to the platform, trying to get an angle on Endeavor. Endeavor tossed her cape aside, and came after Link again. Her speed was astonishing, and Link soon realized that the platform would not help him at all in gaining any height.

            Endeavor brought her sword down towards Link. He rolled out of the way, before putting his shield between himself and Endeavor. Her sword cut across it, but Link managed to hold her ground against the battering.

            Zelda launched another arrow at Endeavor, between her feet. Link hit Endeavor with his shield again, knocking her back again.

            Link backed up, waiting for Endeavor. He felt like this was going nowhere, but what other choice did he have? It was Endeavor...he couldn't attack her...

            Endeavor took a step back, and wiped her nose. Link saw blood on her hand as she pulled it away from her face. Endeavor looked at him, and grinned. "You are such the hero, are you not? That is not going to get you very far in this fight."

            It was the strangest stroke Link had ever seen. Endeavor hooked her blade beneath his shield, and sent it flying across the room. Link almost watched it go, but he knew Endeavor wasn't going to wait for him. Either way, Endeavor gripped him by the neck of his tunic and pulled him up to her face. "Now prove to me you are worthy to carry the Master Sword."

            She shoved him away. Link slid back, trying to not fall over. His sides ached from being tossed around. This wasn't a fight he wanted to fight, but he had no choice. Endeavor was a servant of the Goddesses, and like the monsters in this temple, she would kill him if he didn't fight and defeat her.

            Link gripped his sword. Endeavor flourished at him again. It was a swift set of swipes that ended with her blade pointing at the ground. Link returned with a flourish of his own, ending with sheathing his sword entirely. It was terribly risky, but it was the only thing he could think of on the spot.

            Endeavor chuckled, and lunched herself at Link. He quickly drew his sword and blocked the attack. He felt like this was a very lethal sparring match. With that idea, he slid his blade up until their hilts were locked, and tried to remember some of his matches with the Headmaster.

            They were very close, and Link knew he needed to make the first move. He feinted a step. Endeavor kicked at him. Link stepped the other way. Endeavor's attack sent her stumbling forward, leaving her open from the back. Link hit her with the broad side of his sword. She lost her footing, and took a tumble down the two steps off the platform.

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