Mini Boss 19 - Gale of the Maelstrom Vahanna

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 ...and tore him through the air. Link thought resisting against this creature was a good idea for all of two seconds as the beast carried him up and up through the air, no supports in sight if he fell. Well, besides the ground, but Link was less keen to take that plunge.

As the creature rose higher though, Link realized he could see the ground below. The wind had picked up to an ungoddessly strong pace, trapping even the mists out from this eye of the storm that now unfolded around Link, the monster's doing most likely. Link watched the mist spray up over the side of the gale as the monster holding him carried him up and over the winds until they were over top of the grate spanning across the central region of the dungeon.

When the monster swooped down close enough to the platform, Link slammed his elbow into the joint of one of its legs. The thing screeched, letting go of Link's right shoulder. Link took the opening to draw his blade, slashing at the bird-like leg of the monster still holding on to him. With one slash, Link was tumbling towards the mesh below.

Rolling to disperse the weight of falling, Link skidded over the slick metal and turned back to face his attacker. Shield and sword now both drawn and in their proper hands, Link stood poised for battle.

The heavy beat of wings pounded through the air. Link saw Taka and Sagi take off below, Zelda on the back of Taka as the two rose up and up to climb over the wind wall blocking off the central arena. The two Rito raced to get out of the storm, rain pelting against them each moment they were in the air, making their wings heavier and heavier as they fought to join Link. By the time that they crashed into the ring, it was clear they wouldn't be doing any serious flying for a good while.

More prominently though was the beating of eight massive wings in front of Link. The beast those wings carried was gargantuan, nearly twice the size of the warrior they had fought at the flight school. Yet, there was a resemblance between the two. In two of her four hands, the monster bore two polearms, though Link thought the weapons could have served as support columns on a small building. Both came to a narrow tip, spears that could rend the heavens.

And all of her was staring down at Link.

Link didn't like the idea of so much lightning crackling around the monster. If it missed, it would hit the predominantly metal floor he was standing on. His only safehaven from the electricity was the roof of the armory, but that was directly beneath the monster, and he wasn't sure he wanted to be under the bulk of her weight if she decided to just drop. It would be better to take her out before she had a chance to summon the storm. He had managed a single blow in the last dungeon, maybe he could figure out this monster's weakness similarly.

Behind the monster, Link saw his friends landing. He could hear the twang of three bowstrings ready themselves for action. He tightened his grip on his own weapon, waiting for the attack he knew was about to come.

After a long lull, the winged fiend brought down one of her spears like a mace. The wide spear slammed the ground where Link had once stood as he started kiting around the monster, trying to spot a weakness on its side. The first monster had been easy with its great metal rod, but these spears seemed more like stone monoliths than normal weapons. Link didn't see them conducting a charge like the other minion had before, meaning he needed to find another way to handle her.

A flurry of arrows shot through the open air. Link caught sight of two plunging into the monster's wings, forcing her to lose air as the arrows continuing to wedge their way into her feathers. Another volley followed, putting pressure on the creature as she continued to lurk towards Link.

Link rolled again, dodging another pillar sailing towards him. As soon as the monster lifted her spear again, he turned on his heel, running back the way he had come. He wanted to give his companions a good distance from the heart of the fight so they could continue to give him some coverage with their volleys. He still needed some time to think how he was going to attack. At least the arrows would probably ground the monster for a brief sword battering if he couldn't think of anything else.

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