Boss 7 - Ambiguous Shadow Sciden

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  • Dedicated to Thomas Simpson

            …into the black hallway. A pulse of twili magic would light the hall for a moment before it sunk back into darkness.

            Epona snorted. “I don’t like this. Something…evil is down here…” The horse’s legs trembled for a moment.

            “Are you going to be alright?” Link asked, rubbing Epona’s neck.

            Indignant, Epona replied, “I am not turning back now.”

            Link let out a small laugh, patting the horse on her side. Eventually the tunnel expanded into a great hall. In the midst of the twili runes, the symbol of the Shadow Sage was etched into the wall. As they came in even further, Link realized something. That was wasn’t the entire wall.

            The section with the Shadow Sage’s mark on it was a separate stone, standing nearly as tall and nearly as wide as the wall behind it. Of course, at the foot of it, was a familiar figure.

            “I was wondering when you were going to show up,” Zeal sneered, her black shawl draped over her arms.

            Endeavor replied, “You seem fairly confident that we would.”

            “Oh, come now,” Zeal taunted, walking out over the room. “Remember what I told you, dear. I’ve been ordered to bring this young man back to Lord Dragmire. If I killed you before hand, I’d hardly be fulfilling my orders.”

            “Then why create so many obstacles for him?” Mirum asked.

            Zeal laughed, turning her head a bit. “Why, I never said what kind of condition I wanted him in other than alive.”

            Link grimaced as Epona snorted. “This is that soldier from the lake. She should have stayed that way.”

            “You have a rude horse, Link,” Zeal said. Epona tensed, wanting to leap forward. Link held her reins tight. She went on, “Not that I expected much in the first place. A lot of show from a worthless animal.”

            Epona trembled with rage. Dominus answered, “The same could be said about you.” The Drex stopped and turned towards the twili. “Be careful opening your mouth if you don’t want a retort.”

            Zeal started coming down from where she was floating in the sky. “I do not believe anyone has had the audacity to say something so brazen about me. You, Dominus of the Twili, are a very foolish man.”

            “Oh the contrary,” Dominus replied. “Simply because you don’t like what I have to say doesn’t make me foolish. But the fact that I had succeeded in bringing this man to this temple before you succeed in capturing him tells me that my ability to plan is better than yours to foresee.”

            The Drex was visibly red from across the room. With fumes emitting from the Drex, Zeal retorted, “If you’re so brilliant, then explain how I have them.”

            From behind Zeal, the two silhouettes of Viden and Scia appeared. The twili walked up beside Zeal so that they could be seen, a perpetual grin plastered on their faces. Zeal turned back around to Dominus. “I’ve had these two right in the midst of your council, telling me-”

            Dominus sighed. “I thought you were trying to impress me, Zeal. If you think that I hadn’t noticed that my two most trusted advisors were dead, then you are sadly mistaken. If I hadn’t known it before, I was certain when they failed to recognize Link when they met him.”

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