Overworld Chapter 39 - The Nameless Man

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            …as they left the city behind. Lynard led them away from town towards a series of cliffs. Palm trees and mangroves hung overhead, shading the beaten path towards the small patch of land tucked away against the cliffs.

            It was a small house, but it was masterfully crafted. Its porch hung out over the water, with a dock bouncing beneath it. A small boat was tethered to the bobbing dock.

            Lynard said, “I know it’s no castle, but I built it myself, and it’s home. Of course, that was years ago…” Lynard stopped on the porch, holding one of the beams for support. He shook his head, forgetting whatever thought was bothering him. “Come in, come in.”

            Zelda whispered to Link, “It sort of reminds me of your place.”

            Link looked around. He supposed there were similarities between his house and this one, but he had found that place already crafted.

            Strands of beads blew in the doorway, letting the warm, salty sea breeze in. It was a small hut, with two or three more rooms breaking off from this entrance. Lynard said, “I’m afraid I don’t have enough to feed you all. I wasn’t really expecting-”

            Endeavor pulled something out from her poach. “It is fortunate that I went to restore my rations then.” She unrolled the cloth and revealed several large fish. Link didn’t recognize them, so he figured that they must be some kind of ocean fish. Lynard paused for a moment. Endeavor insisted, “We are imposing about your abode. The least we can do is assist with a meal. These are mountain fish though, and fairly difficult to cook. Would you like me to prepare them?”

            Lynard sighed. “Under any other circumstances, I would say no. But you…if you really did help her…”

            The Drex whispered something to the man, before walking over to the small kitchen in the back of the man’s house. Lynard called, “If you need anything!” Endeavor waved her hand.

            Link looked at the fireplace. There was a pictograph of Lynard and a young couple. Zelda sat down and asked Lynard, “Did you build this place yourself?”

            “No,” Lynard replied, shaking his head. “I mean, Your Majesty.”

            Zelda laughed a bit. “There’s no need for that.”

            Lynard nodded, slowly dropping down onto the bench across from Zelda. “No, I built it with my son, Lance, after…” Lynard sighed. “Highness, I’m afraid I don’t get along with the Crown well. I wasn’t born into this life. I used to be a sailor in the Royal Navy, but…I had some disagreements with the King and his orders. The records would call me a deserter, but the King, your father, had my status removed for refusing to listen to his orders.”

            Link looked over his shoulder at Zelda. She was clenching her fists. She asked politely, “Well, my father and I don’t always agree. What was it that he asked you to do?”

            “We captured a band of pirates,” Lynard answered. “They hadn’t done anything, nothing yet at least, but the King ordered them to be executed without any kind of trial. I…I refused to…”

            Zelda started to say something, but Lynard interrupted, “I don’t want pity, Highness. I don’t need it.”

            “That’s not what I was going to say at all,” Zelda replied. “I think what you did was right, and my father acted to brashly. Kings aren't gods, and they are bound to make mistakes. I can only hope to learn from those made before me.”

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