Mini Dungeon 1 - The Royal Vault

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            …that was the Royal Vault. The blue steel shimmered as light filtered in from the outside world. A few torches flickered in the otherwise empty room that was the entrance to the zoras' wealth and riches.

            Zelda whispered something, and a light orb appeared by her head. It had a fairly weak shine to it, but Link saw it glow a little brighter as it went into a slightly darker part of the room.

            Looking around the room, Zelda said, “Now, let’s find that armor.”

            She walked over to the only door in the room, and stood there. She turned back to Link. “Come on! You’re not going to make me open this door, are you?”

            Link came over to the door, and turned the gear. Like the door he had opened before, it swung open with a loud groan. Unlike the entrance, this room had far more to it. It had two levels, and part of the bottom level dipped in and was filled with ankle high water.

            Large barred off sections blocked off other doors that led further into the Vault. Zelda pointed straight ahead of them. “That one is going to have the monster in it. It’s bolted shut.”

            Sure enough, the large door on the second floor at the other end of the room was bolted shut with a large iron bar. It would need to be opened with a key hidden somewhere around the Vault. It seemed the best place for a large monster to hide, or wait, or remain trapped.

Suddenly, Zelda loosed an arrow at the ceiling. Link watched a tektite as it crumpled up and fell to the ground. He looked at her as the golden metal bow in her hand began to stop shimmering. She looked at him, asking, “What? Did you still think I couldn’t use it? Would you like to test that theory anymore?”

            She shook her head and walked down a flight of stairs into the Vault. “Men.”

            Link quickly followed behind Zelda as she marched on into the Vault. He looked around behind the metal bars. One of the doors still stood ajar behind a mostly rusted set. He pointed towards it. “There. Seems as good a place to start.”

            Zelda shrugged. “Sure. Let’s go.” She marched up to the bars, quickly slipping through. Link hurried to follow.

            The room was empty. Link rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed at his complete failure of a guess. Zelda looked up, saying, “Something was in here though.”

            Following her look, Link saw the giant blue blob on the ceiling. Inside it crawled a large green creature, with budding limbs and white eyes on the end of slender stalks. It looked down at the two of them, and tilted its bug-like head.

            Zelda murmured, “That’s repulsive.” She covered her nose and lowered her bow for a moment to get the smell out of her nose.

            The chu dropped from the ceiling, the little insect crawling around, trying to get its eye back on Link and Zelda. Link slashed at the chu, but unlike other chus he had faced before, after he removed his sword, the gelatin form merged back together.

            So Link changed his attack towards the worm inside the chu. It tried to squirm away, but Link’s blade was faster. After a few well-timed blows, the worm curled up and blackened. And once the worm was dead, the chu fell apart there on the spot. Link tried to remember these enemies. They were likely easier to defeat if he could just get the worm out.

            With the chu worm dead, Link turned back to Zelda. She said, “There are only three other rooms left. How hard could this be?”

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