Mini Boss 11 - Blind Beast of Shadow Nemea

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            …into the sunken circular room. The form of a lion paced around the room, growling as it walked around the sunken bais. Dominus trotted up beside them, whispering, “That is a Zol. Or it was. This concerns me. If Zeal has-”

            The lion turned its head towards them. Dominus leaned back for a moment, keeping his mouth shut. Link looked down at the lion. It could hear them extremely well, even if it couldn't see them.

            “She warned me about you,” the monster said. “She told me to stop you if you came this far. Very well, it looks like I’ll have to end it here.”

            The black figure passed by Epona. The horse quivered, trying not to move or make a sound. But some small noise, a fidget or a breath, escaped them. The lion turned its head. Link dropped his sword down, slamming the lion in the head with the hilt, before cutting it across the face. Epona leapt out of the way, racing around the room to get away from the monster.

            After Link hit it, the creature began to lash out. The others dispersed from the entrance as the door slammed behind them. The lion turned around, racing towards the closest noise. Link kept moving, crossing around the room, making the sound of hooves echo around the room. He didn’t like crossing through the middle though due to the dip. It meant the creature could gain on them faster then they could get away.

            Link pulled Epona to a halt. “There’s no way we can fight it if we’re running around like this.” The monster must have heard him, because it came rushing at him. Link said, “You’re going to have to stun it for me. I’ll jump off and attack it while it’s down after you hit it.”

            “Alright,” Epona snorted. She reared up, her two massive hooves hitting the lion square in the head. Link leapt out of the saddle, and began slashing at the lion as Epona danced away. “Don’t get too close to it!” she called after him.

            The lion began to move again. Link raced away, whistling for Epona. The monster shook his head as Link sprung back up into his saddle. Epona raced away from the creature as quickly as she could. The beast struggled back up to its paws, before turning its massive head around the room. Its ears twisted as it searched for someone. The shadow that made its coat was beginning to thin out, and the thin frame of a lion could be seen beneath it through the shreds.

            Quicksilver dashed by the lion, sliding and kicking it in its black head. The lion reeled back from the sharp hit to its temple. Endeavor swung out of her saddle, Journey passing her master. The wolf was thrown back from the creature. Endeavor drove her sword into the creature’s side. The blade bounced back as the lion began to stand back up.

            Endeavor struck out with her knife, before she and Journey quickly retreated. The knife cut the beast, and it roared, swinging its massive paw after them.

            “What kind of magic is that?” Mirum asked.

            “Shadow magic,” Endeavor answered. “Only weapons either forged in the Goddesses’ Flames or containing some kind of shadow magic can harm it. That would explain why the Master Sword and my knife could harm it, but not my blade.”

            The monster leapt at them again. Epona raised her hooves, and smacked the beast across the head with her hooves again. Link rolled out of his saddle, racing to get to the creature before it got back to its paws.

            He drove his sword through the shadowy pelt. Snatches of the shadow came off in waves before the lion finally stumbled back to its paws. Link jumped back, pulling himself back into his saddle.

            A wave of dark mist began to set in. Dominus sent out his two minions to help them locate the creature as it moved in the dark. Link could hear movement in the dark, but he couldn’t see anything. The tables were turned on them now.

            Epona kept moving, not able to see where the creature was. Link didn’t slow her down, not wanting to make them a target for the lion. Something rushed towards them. Epona struck out with her hind legs, knocking the lion into the wall with the strong hard kick.

            Link jumped out of the saddle as the fog began to clear. He began slashing at the creature. The monster began to crumple as the beating continued, until its shadowy coat disappeared entirely.

            The monster stumbled back into the center of the room. It looked old, worn, and frail now. The mist of skin clung to its sides, and Link wasn’t so sure that this hadn’t been a real creature. Dominus’s words echoed in his mind though, and he knew that this beast was a Zol. Link kept his sword out and his shield up as he walked down the slope towards where the lion was stumbling about. It shook its head as it heard Link come near it. The creature growled, barring its long fangs at him.

            Link twisted his sword around in his hand, waiting for lion to attack. The creature lunged at him. Link rolled out of the way, slashing the monster across the backside. The lion fell, and Link took advantage of the moment.

            The Master Sword ran through the monster. Shadow came up in plumes, curling and disappearing into the air. The monster let out one last roar, before the shadows vanished. All that remained was a dark red orb, which shattered into dozens of little pieces of twilight magic.

            The shards turned into the bright cyan the twilight magic was known for. The red tint in the walls faded, and blue began to creep back into the walls.

            Beneath his feet, the center of the room began to move. Link took a step back as the floor parted. A chest began to rise from the floor. It came to a halt, shaking the floor as it stopped.

            Link pushed the lid open, and reached down into the chest.

            “You got the Goddess’s Reach. This wooden staff has been carved from the strongest Deku Tree, with a bar of the highest quality metal inside of it. Not only does it have an impressive reach, but it also is useful in close combat, and for crossing otherwise unreachable distances.

            Link held up the staff. It was well-balanced and sturdy. The staff was long enough to use as a pole arm when he was mounted as well, making it far more useful on horseback than his sword was. It was stiff, due to the metal inside of it, but he figured him might be able to use it to pole vault as well.

            Something shifted behind them. Dominus said, “What control they had on this building is gone, or gone for the moment. The guards will continue after us now.”

            Climbing back up into the saddle, Link replied, “Then we better get going.”

            Mirum picked up the orb from where it rested on the other side of the room. Dominus said, “This is only going to get harder as we go along. That staff is going to be very useful in a little bit.”

            Link swung the staff around, making sure he could use it without hitting Epona. It felt comfortable in his hand, and his swings felt strong. Not as strong as his sword, but the staff had more reach than his sword, and he could hit a lot more because of its length. Mirum and Dominus rode through the next door. Confident with his new weapon, Link followed after them…

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