Dungeon Chapter 38 - Ship Graveyard

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            …and into a pirate waiting on the other side. The pirate pointed his sword down at them as they fell to the floor. “What ye be doing ‘ere?”

            Lynard commented, “I’m surprised she only placed one guard.”

            Link swept the floor with his staff, before standing up. The pirate groaned as he landed on his back, before dropping his head. Endeavor said, “I am not. Sayyida’s motives are…interesting.”

            Zelda asked, “Then…why is she helping Zeal?”

            “That is why I am not certain about her,” Endeavor replied, before stepping over to the edge of the ledge they were on.

            Stepping up beside her, Link looked over the edge down at the water below. Like Lynard had said, the water was a shade of pink due to the magma coursing beneath it. Huge vessels groaned as they slowly collapsed down into the pool they floated in.

            “I guess this is why they keep sinking ships,” Link said.

            Lynard stated, “There’s probably a bridge they throw across when this is emptier, but we’re going to have to cross this another way before we get that luxury.”

            The pirate moaned again, saying, “Yuh’ll never reach the other side. Yur quest ends ‘ere.”

            Link walked back over to the pirate, and saw his clawshot on the man’s hip. He said, “I’m starting to get confused about Sayyida’s loyalties myself now…” He pressed his staff against the man’s chest, forcing the breath out of the pirate as he recollected his clawshot. The pirate didn’t quarrel again with them.

            Aiming out across the wreckage, Link scanned for a path across the shipyard. Zelda asked, “How are we going to get across?”

            “We may just have to trust on Link getting across to get that bridge over here,” Lynard commented.

            Endeavor stated, “He and I will cross together. There is bound to be something over there, besides whatever Sayyida planned. In which case, someone will need to defend while the other extends the bridge.”

            Lynard gripped his cane a little tighter as he pointed to the pirate beside them. “What about him?”

            “I see nothing else we can do with him,” Endeavor commented. “There are enemies outside that door if he tries to run, and there are enemies across here. It is in his best interest to remain here, and not to hinder us any further.” There was a murmur from the pirate, but no one bothered asking for clarification.

            Link fired his clawshot to the nearest mast. The ship wobbled as he landed, and began sinking quicker. Endeavor landed on the supporting beam beside him, before leaping across to the next one. Mid-leap, Yore would catch Endeavor’s wrist, allowing the Drex to swing further in her bounds to reach her goal.

            Keese began to swarm above them. Link started for his staff, when he heard arrows whizzing overhead. Zelda’s golden shafts sunk themselves into the bat creatures, and Link pressed on to the other side of the room.

            Some of the ships sunk more rapidly than others. It depended on the tilt of the ship, and how exposed the hull was to the water because of that angle. Link got dangerously close to the water several times, before pulling himself quickly to safety atop another mast. Or at least, momentary safety.

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