Dungeon Chapter 11 - East Egg

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            …back towards the center of the dungeon. Faru stood perched on the edge of the platform they were on, looking back across to where they had come into the room in the first place. She pointed. “There!”

            Link followed her gaze and saw another gold medallion on the wall. As he aimed at it, Link asked, “Why are there so many of these things around the city?”

            “They’re relics of the zoras from who knows how long ago,” Faru answered. “The Queen just told the builders to put them in certain places, so they did. No one knows why. She sent some other zoras out to put up more around the world. Never told anyone why, just that they would be important someday. I guess today is that today.”

            “Seems so,” Link answered, gripping the clasp. Faru jumped onto his back just as the clawshot caught the medallion. The two went soaring back across to the other side of the room.

            It was a short trip from there to the other side of the dungeon. Soon, Link found him standing on the edge of the city portion of the dungeon once more. Water flowed below, pooling even higher than before. Faru said, “I can swim across from there. I’ll go look around and see if there’s anything down in there.”

            Before Link could argue, Faru dove over the side of the city. There was a small splash as she went through the water. Link looked back across the city, aiming towards a set of vines. He had to work quickly to find his footing on the slippery foliage, but his clawshot extending the time he had. Pulling himself up to the next level, Link began to explore for a way to the generator.

            Using his clawshot, Link found it much easier to clear out the chu worms, pulling them completely out of their jelly bulbs. In the higher levels of the city, that was the only enemy that Link had to face. There were, of course, lizalfos, blue chus, and keeses, but these appeared more as Link went down a few levels.

            Between vines and medallions, Link crossed the city with ease. As he continued around the edge, he came upon large house with the door barred. Link pulled out the small key he had found earlier and put it into the lock.

            The mansion was abandoned, and water poured through it. It was eerie to be in a place so quiet. Link walked up the stairs, looking for anything of interest in the building. There had to be something of the door wouldn't have been locked.

            On the top floor, there was a balcony. Link looked out across the city from this vantage point. The entrance to the East Egg was two floors beneath him. He quickly planned a path down to the door from where he was.

            Before he left, Link saw a medallion overhead. He shot over to it, and while hanging from the wall, he looked for somewhere to go from there. Beneath him was a small black ledge. He dropped down, grabbing the ledge, and going slowly, he inched his was over to where the wall moved back far enough for Link to climb back up.

            This narrow ledge appeared to be a secret passage carved out by the city's builders. It was mostly smooth, and what was rough seemed to be caused by the weathering wind and water that came through the city. This what gave away its design to Link. Link followed it back as far as it went, where a large chest sat in the dark.

            Link pushed the lid open and fished out a map. Yore flew into the tunnel. “This is the map of the city,” Link said, showing it to the bird.

            “Very good.

            The map shimmered and as Link pulled it back, he saw that it was marked. Faru’s location was beneath him. She had found the door to the generator already.

            Rolling up the map, Link returned the way he had come. He dropped down to the door. Faru looked up as he came down a vine. She said, “Look! I found this!” Faru produced a small key in her hand. “This should open the door, but I can’t reach it.”

            Link took the key from her, and slid it into the lock that blocked the door. He pushed it open, the door groaning like the others. The generator sat in the middle of the room before them, a long tail coiling around it.

            “Let’s cut this one before you turn it on, ok?” Faru suggested. Link smiled, and drew his sword. He cut several large pieces out of the tail, before finally it fell off the generator. With the East Egg free, Link launched himself up to control panel.

            There was a stuttered, then a roar as the machine came to life. The whole dungeon shifted, and Link grabbed the wall. Faru shouted, “The city’s rising! Everything is turning back on! The shield should be restoring itself now! Nothing else can get it!”

            Link dropped down from the control panel. Faru went on, “That means we just need to activate the central generator and the city will be restored completely!”

            Faru grabbed Link by the wrist, and began jumping around, shaking Link a bit. She shouted, “We’ve done it! I’m gonna be a priestess for Nayru! We've saved the city!”

            “Don’t put the cart before the horse,” Link said with a smile. “We’ve still got to deal with this false dragon that’s guarding the central generator, and get to Nayru's Temple. Only her power is going to keep this place safe for good.”

            “And that means finding the Water Guardian’s key,” Faru replied. “It should be in near the water filter, back towards the center of the city.” She pointed back towards where they had come. “That door  in the hub should be open now that the two Eggs are working again, and we can go deeper into the city.”

            “Then let’s go,” Link said. He followed behind the giddy zora back towards the center of the city. In her rush over to East Egg, Faru had missed some monsters, but the two of them handled the threats easily. Faru’s enthusiasm wore down enough for her to concentrate on the situation around them.

            Sure enough, back in the main room, the door opposite the entrance had rolled open. Two pillars were blazing with fire on their tops, lighting up the hall. Link had noticed that many of the gaps in the shield had sealed up, and many were closing as they went along.

            The two swam across the small stream of water that ran between the two walkways. A few lizalfos dropped down to attack them, but after so much practice the enemies were small threats. The two split up to handle them.

            As Link finished the last lizalfos, Faru stood waiting for him at the door. She said, “Hurry up! We’re almost there!” Faru went racing off into the room beyond.

            Yore swooped down. Link extended his arm and let the hawk rest on his wrist guard.

            “The Princess is safe. I have gone to inspect the status of Castle Town and see if the Temple of Time is still accessible. Visit your Princess first, then get to Castle Town. Time is of the essence, Link.

            Link nodded, though he knew the action was useless. He added, “Stay safe.”

            “…I will try. Thank you.

            With that, Link went through the open doorway…

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