Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 16

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Yay next chappy! :D It was ninteen pages on Word, so hopefully it's longer than normal on here ^-^

Hopefully you'll find it vote worthy ;P

Pic of Shimei and an apple  --->

Ashley’s POV



“What hotel are you guys staying at anyway?” I ask with a sigh, being dragged along by a ticked off Kiba. He stomps ahead of me, pulling me by the hand, as Saffire and Kurai giggle behind me.

Poor Kiba. He’s been putting up with Saffire’s taunting and Kurai’s snide comments for a few hours now, and he’s been doing so well. I think it’s beginning to get to him now though.

“Not sure what the name is” Saffire informs me, smirking at the back of Kiba’s head. “Maybe Dog Boy knows?”

I see an anime vein appear on Kiba’s forehead, making me sweat drop. How much longer would it be until he exploded?

I think he was happy when Akamaru showed up earlier, but Tiez, being the crazy thing she is, had decided to scare the poor Ninken and chase him through the Village.

“I highly doubt that idiot knows anything……” I hear Atsui mutter, making Kiba pause in his walking. He suddenly whirls around, fist raised in the air.

“What was that you little bastard?!” he shouts in Atsui’s face, making the green haired boy scowl and grow an anime vein.

“What did you just call me?!” he shouts back, glaring into Kiba’s eyes. The two boys snarl at each other, little sparks of electricity zapping between their eyes.

“I called you a little bastard” Kiba repeats lowly, smirking at Atsui nastily.

“You’re gunna regret that…..” Atsui growls, his hands lighting up with electricity and making my eyes widen.

Kiba smirks back, placing his hands together in a hand sign.

“Bring it” he sneers, as Atsui suddenly charges towards him, pulling his arm back to throw a bolt of lightning at Kiba.

Shooting forwards, I skid in front of Kiba and glare at the incoming Atsui. Waving an arm downwards, I make the earth trip Atsui up, causing him to fall.

The lightning disappears from his hands, as he goes to catch himself before he hits the ground. Before he hits the earth though, I reach forwards and grab him by the collar, roughly pulling him up to my face.

He blinks in surprise, looking slightly uncomfortable by the nasty scowl on my face.

“LEAVE HIM ALONE DAMMIT!” I bark in Atsui’s face, before heaving him up above my head and flinging him at a tree with all my might.

Everyone flinches as he collides with the tree upside down, before sliding down the trunk and landing on his head, eyes spinning dizzily.

Kiba suddenly bursts out laughing, earning a dirty look from Kurai and Saffire. He points at Atsui as he slowly rises to his feet, hand held to his head.

“I remember the day you did that to me” Kiba leans down and mutters in my ear, hugging me to his chest with one arm. “Good shot Angel.”

I chuckle into his jacket, clutching onto it with my free hand. It certainly had been a long time since I’d thrown Kiba at a tree, or punched him through a wall. Funny how your thoughts and feelings towards another person can change so dramatically……

Setting The Wolf Free - Sequel to The Wolf InsideWhere stories live. Discover now