Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 8

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Hey guys :)

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who was involved in the little 'incident' that happened yesterday lol.

 It's very encouraging to know that so many of you support me and are willing to jump to my defence when my work is insulted, and when my fans are called 'idiotic'.

 A special thank you to MidnightWolfForLife, Curlygirl15, Wolfiegirl1 and NarutoFanfics for the absolutely hilarious comments you made. They just about killed me, and I'm so sorry to see that the person they were aimed at has deleted them :(

 Thanks guys and I hope you enjoy the chapter!!! :D

 Pic of the Pack :D  --->

(I want plushies of them all T_T)

Ashley’s POV

 “Hey!” Naruto calls irritatedly. “Would you to stop staring at each other for five seconds and listen to me?!”

Kiba and I both blink, not even realising we’d been staring at each other.

Kiba looks up, glancing at Naruto over my head, as I turn around and glare at him.

“What do you want Naruto?” I growl, narrowing my eyes at the blonde boy and making Kiba chuckle softly.

“We still need a new member for our team!” Naruto cries, throwing his hands in the air. “I’m kinda struggling to find someone here!”

I place a hand on my hip and sigh.

“Naruto” I begin, stepping towards my teammate. “I’m back. I’m sure we can manage with four people on our cell, like any other team. We technically won’t be a man down, we’re just used to functioning with an extra member.”

Naruto gives me a dead pan look.

“Don’t you think I asked Grandma Tsunade about that?” he asks me dryly. “That crazy old hag said she’s not sure if you’re gonna be placed on Team Kakashi or not.”

My eyes widen.

What?!” I cry, throwing my arms in the air and waving them around. “Why the hell not?! I’ve been on that Team since it began!”

“I know, I know” Naruto whines, pulling a sulky face. “It’s not fair…..”

I cross my arms and huff.

“She’s probably been drinking again” I grumble, making Kiba laugh.

Setting The Wolf Free - Sequel to The Wolf InsideWhere stories live. Discover now