Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 63

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Hi everyone :)

Sorry for taking so long to upload, life is INSANELY busy nowdays for some reason :/ But I made ths chapter a bit longer than usual to make up for it.

I've been asked this question quite a lot by people, so I thought I'd put the answer here. Yes, STWF will be going all the way up to the war, and no doubt even after it. I MAY need to start a new book if it goes on for too long, coz I think Wattpad has a 100 chapter limit. We'll see :3

Song on the side is Here For You by the Prince of Classic Rock, Ozzy Osbourne ;)

--Jon Bon Jovi is the King, just fyi :P --

Pic of Deidara :D  --->

Third Person’s POV



“Sorry to keep you waiting Kakashi…..”

Said silver haired man inclines his head, standing in the doorway of the wooden house Yamato had created, and eyes the four people before him coolly.

A man with brown, spiked back hair stands at the front of the small group, the mask on his face reminiscent of a bird. Behind him, three other men, donning the same uniforms and animal like masks, walk forwards and nod their heads in greeting.

As one of the men squats down and rests his arms over his knees, Kakashi notices the two swords strapped to his back, crossed over each other to form the shape of an x.

Subtly glancing between the three other men, Kakashi spies an assortment of weapons strapped and hidden on their bodies, with one of them even having spiked, knuckle dusters on his right hand.

Partnered with their aloof vibes and muscular appearances, it wouldn’t be hard for anyone at all to know that these four men were members of the ANBU Black Ops, and elite ones at that.

“You’re actually a little early” Kakashi eventually replies in an indifferent tone, turning his head to glance back at his fellow Leaf Ninja, “I don’t think we’re quite ready to leave yet.”

The four ANBU Black Ops members look inside the door as well, watching as Tenten hastily shoves things in her bag, sitting on her knees with her tongue poking out the side of her mouth. Ino briefly appears in view, fluffing her hair and wincing as the movement causes pain in her injured arm.

Naruto strolls into the wooden hallway, adjusting the straps of his backpack, before leaning against the wall and crossing his arms, eyes focused down on the floor. Kiba and Akamaru then enter the room as well, with the Inuzuka scuffing his feet, hands stuffed in his pockets.

“While we wait” the first ANBU speaks up in his deep voice, “Perhaps you can fill us in on what’s been going on here for the last few days?”

“Good idea” Kakashi agrees, holding in his sigh as he sees the miserable looks on Kiba and Naruto’s faces. “I’ll try to make a long, complicated story short for you guys…”

That said, Kakashi steps out into the crisp, early morning air and closes the wooden door behind him with a soft clunk.

“So…..He just disappeared then?” Kiba asks doubtfully, arms crossed as he looks down at the empty futon on the floor.

Setting The Wolf Free - Sequel to The Wolf InsideWhere stories live. Discover now