Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 10

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Hey guys, sorry for taking so long to upload.

I actually wrote this chapter right after I wrote Chapter 9, but I don't upload until I've got 40 votes anymore.

By the time Chapter 9 got to 40 votes, I got sick with the flu :( I'm still really sick, but didn't wanna keep you guys waiting any longer.

Oh! And just so you all know, I think a couple of ppl have said something about Ashley easily being defeated by Sasuke (lol).

First off, Ashley was NOT defeated, she underestimated Sasuke's willingness to kill her. Secondly, she wasn't fighting him properly because she loves him and really doesn't want to kill him.

Thirdly, please. As id I'd let a jerk like Sasuke beat my main character so easily ;P

Heheh, hope you like :)

Pic on the side is of Ashley and Keiji  --->

It's beautiful right? It was drawn by the very talented Jactza :) Thank you so much for the fanart! I LOVE it!! xD

Ashley’s POV



I take a tentative step forwards, wobbling slightly, but remaining upright. Taking in a sharp breath, I can’t help wincing, the wound in my stomach stinging as I move.

I scowl at the blood slowly dripping from my stomach, staining my clothes and falling to the ground.

“You say I’m not an Uchiha like you……” I say lowly, walking towards the flickering black flames surrounding Sasuke. “Yet you’re the one who doesn’t recognise the eternal flames of the Amaterasu when you see them………”

“The what?!” Sasuke snaps, looking frustrated and confused.

His eyes widen, as I use my Amaterasu to control and open a gap in the ring of black fire. I step inside the circle and stand about two metres in front of Sasuke, the flames behind me quickly reclosing the gap and cutting off any possible escape route for Sasuke.

I may not have been fighting at my best with Sasuke, since he’s my cousin and I don’t want to hurt him, but questioning my Uchiha blood is crossing the line in my eyes.

I don’t like using my Sharingan, but I’m going to teach this boy a lesson he won’t soon forget. I’m more Uchiha than he’ll ever be……

“I think it’s so sad that you don’t recognise an Uchiha Jutsu like the Amaterasu Sasuke-kun” I say with a low chuckle, still staring at the ground.

“There’s no way this is an Uchiha Jutsu!” Sasuke snarls angrily, growing more frustrated. “I would have heard of-”

Sasuke cuts himself off, as my head snaps up at his words. His eyes widen further as I glower at him nastily.

Setting The Wolf Free - Sequel to The Wolf InsideWhere stories live. Discover now