Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 44

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Alright Mew, I uploaded! It's your turn again ;P  You know who you are! >:D

Pic of Kiba and Shino  --->

Song is Centipede by Knife Party  -->

The video clip is so stupid. Don't watch it, just listen to the music lol :3

Ashley’s POV



My mouth opens in a silent gasp, as I watch the Centipede open its giant pincers, throwing its head back and launching a screaming Nobu high into the air. I see the helpless Stone Ninja flailing her arms and legs wildly, screaming so loud that it sounds like she’s right next to me.

“Nobu!” Takishimaru calls frantically, fingers tangled in his hair as he pulls on it roughly. “Nobu!”

We all watch as Nobu disappears inside the Centipede’s mouth, the sound of her screams immediately ceasing as the creature swallows her whole. I wince as the Centipede lets out an ear splitting screech, throwing its head back as its pointed legs wave back and forth creepily, clicking with each movement.

“What is going on here?....” Kyoku murmurs beside me, sounding both perplexed and slightly disturbed. “Is this what she summoned?”

My brows furrow as I gaze up at the demonic looking creature, my hands balling into tight fists. Though I severely disliked Nobu and her arrogant attitude, I would’ve liked to save her. Nobody deserves to die by getting devoured by a seemingly supernatural insect. Well, I wouldn’t mind if it had been Orochimaru, but that’s another topic altogether….

My eyes widen as I see the Centipede turn its colossal body, its head now tilted down to face the ground. I can’t see any eyes on the creature, but somehow I just know it’s looking down at us.

Suddenly, the Centipede darts down towards us, its pincers open wide and ready to snatch one of us up. Reacting immediately, Kyoku and I both leap backwards, with me performing rapid hand signs at the same time.

The Centipede’s face slams into the ground at high speed, causing the earth to quake violently and sending a huge cloud of dust billowing up into the air. It swiftly pulls its head back up, screeching loudly as we all look down at the massive crater the insect had created.

“Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!” I shout, placing a hand in front of my mouth and blowing out an impressive ball of fire. It shoots straight towards the Centipede, hitting its thick skin with a loud cracking sound. I continue blowing out a stream of Fire Nature chakra, wanting to keep up the attack and deal some damage to the Centipede.

The Centipede seems to pause for a moment, before turning its attention down to me, its pincers clicking open and closed, as though it were thinking.

Seemingly annoyed by the fire crackling against its shining, black skin, the Centipede dives down towards me, causing me to break my Jutsu. I glare up at the approaching creature irritably, though my heart is pounding against my chest. My Jutsu hadn’t injured it in the least!

“Water Style: Liquid Bullet!” someone on my far right shouts, just as the Centipede is about to grab me. Shooting out of the bushes, a large ball made up of water and immensely concentrated chakra barrels into the side of the Centipede’s head. I feel a strong whoosh of air as the Centipede’s head disappears from my view, having being thrown to the side by the ferocity of the Liquid Bullet. I close my eyes and throw up my arms as the water explodes, the wave of air causing my hair to stream out behind me.

Setting The Wolf Free - Sequel to The Wolf InsideWhere stories live. Discover now