Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 47

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Pic of Tozoku's Summon  --->

Ignore the girl in the hood, she's just sort of....In the picture lol

Ashley’s POV



I groan softly, a dull pain seeming to throb in my right eye. I can feel something warm and wet dripping from my eye, trailing down my cheek. Since I had just used my Amaterasu, that can only mean that my eye is bleeding…….Great. More blood loss.

“Ashley?” a faint voice asks, sounding somewhat far away. “Ashley, can you hear me?”

My mouth pulls down into a slight frown, the pain in my mid section a lot sharper than it was only moments ago. Had I torn the injury back open? I sure hope not, because that’s going to be a bitch to fix again…

“Ashley, you sneaky brat” the voice addresses again, sounding a lot clearer now, “Open your eyes. That’s an order!”

I can’t help the way my mouth twitches up into a weak smile at that, forcing myself to open my eyes. As I open them, I find that the vision in my right eye is somewhat distorted, an annoying side effect of using my Amaterasu. Ignoring the blurriness, I glance up, only to see Kakashi’s head above me, his worried eyes trained on my face.

“Since wh-when do I take or-orders Sensei?” I ask cheekily, causing Kakashi Sensei to sigh with relief and shake his head, before giving me a closed eye smile. Kakashi’s grip seems to tighten around me a little, suddenly making me aware that he’d caught me when I fell. Good thing he’d reacted as quickly as he had, or I’d probably be a little red smear on the ground right now. It hadn’t occurred to me that when I destroyed the Centipede, it would disappear. I really need to use my foresight a little more….

“You look horrible” Kakashi feels the need to inform me, almost making me deadpan. What did he expect? I’d just had a sword stabbed through my middle and was practically swallowed alive by a demonic looking Centipede. I bet he wouldn’t be looking so good if he were in my situation either.

“Oh Ashley!” a female voice suddenly cries, causing me to blink. Before I can turn my head however, a pair of arms are thrown around me, my eyes widening as I am enveloped in a throat crushing hug.

“I’m so relieved that you’re still alive!” Kyoku informs me happily, sounding uncharacteristically enthusiastic. Probably still in the middle of an adrenaline rush or something…..

Kakashi clears his throat uncomfortably, no doubt well aware of Kyoku’s close proximity. He glances down, only to raise an eyebrow at the excited look on Kyoku’s face and the way that mine is beginning to turn blue. If I had the strength, I’d definitely be flailing my arms around in protest right now.

“Uhhh…..I think you’re choking her Kyoku” my Sensei informs the blue haired woman with an awkward closed eye smile, causing her ocean coloured eyes to pop open.

“Oops!” she says sheepishly, immediately releasing me and rubbing the back of her head. “Sorry about that…..”

I inhale and exhale deeply a few times, before sweat dropping and letting out a sigh. Turning my head, I give Kyoku a reassuring closed eye smile.

“Don’t worry about it” I reply, before pausing and sweat dropping again. “But uh…..You’ve kind of got a lot of my blood on you now….Sorry about that.”

Setting The Wolf Free - Sequel to The Wolf InsideWhere stories live. Discover now