113. Sweet girl.

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Isabella raised her fist and hit Theo's cheekbone. Her and Freddie had been sneaking out for weeks on end, trying to find just one whisperer. They wanted them to hurt like they made them hurt. Freddie stood behind her, gripping the top of Theo's head.

"Christ, the hell hap- happened to that sweet little girl, Bells? How's everyone doing these days? Daryl, he good? What about Carl-?"


"Fuck you," Isabella spat. "I know you know that Carl isn't here anymore."

Theo just grinned and Freddie shook his head. "He's fucking insane," Freddie muttered.

Theo spat some blood onto Isabella's shoe and she scrunched up her nose. Everything about him was just disgusting.

This time, Freddie raised his fist when Isabella saw something in the woods. A silhouette of some sort, she squinted her eyes and then saw that it was a boy. Probably around hers and Freddie's age, he had dark hair, dark skin and his clothes looked old and dirty.

She grabbed Freddie's wrist and pulled it back. "Stop," she muttered as she pointed at the boy.

"I-I'm fine! I'm good! I-I-" the teenager stuttered. Isabella wanted to take the chance, but Freddie certainly didn't.

"Are you with him?" Freddie raised his voice and pointed at Theo. The boy panicked, his eyes darting from person to person, trying to focus on just one thing. "I said, do you know him?!"

"No!" The boy yelled. "I-I'm alone! I've been alone for months!"

Theo spat out more blood onto Isabella's shoe and she furrowed her eyebrows together, leaning down to get even closer to his face.

"Do that again, the next thing that comes out of your mouth will be your teeth."

Theo just chuckled. Nobody ever took Isabella seriously, especially her threats. They thought her kindness made her weak, but it didn't. If anything, it just taught her to put her guard up most of the time nowadays.

Freddie tapped Isabella's shoulder and nodded at the boy. "What do we do with him?"

"I don't know. We can't just leave him out here with the whisperers. They'll kill him," Isabella sighed and took a step back, trying to get a little further away from Theo.

Theo nodded. "Yeah, but Daryl and Carol will kill us if we take him back."

Isabella shrugged. "It's worth a try. There's two of us and one of him. He's not gonna try anything," she turned her head to the boy, "right?"

The boy nodded frantically. "Yeah, yeah. Right. I swear. I just want help, I'm- I'm starving."

Freddie and Isabella gave each other a firm nod and then Freddie took a timer out of his pocket, setting it to one minute and threw it to the floor. He made sure that Theo wouldn't be able to reach it with his feet.

"The fuck are you doing?" Theo laughed.

"That alarm isn't gonna stop once it starts. There's no way to turn it off, hopefully, some walkers will hear it and come tear you to shreds," Freddie simply explained. For a moment, he felt like the worst person on the planet. He shook it off, looking at Isabella and the other boy. "Come on."

"So, what's your name?" Isabella asked. They'd been walking in silence for half an hour. Her and Freddie hadn't made a great first impression on him, since he'd ran into them beating the shit out of Theo and then leaving him for dead.

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