56. The small differences.

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The three of them were running. The exercise and the heat combined made them all sweat buckets, Isabella's hair was soaked and her pigtails were falling out, and she was pretty sure she smelled just as bad as Daryl did.

They all stopped when they reached the vending machine. Rick went a bit ahead while Daryl and Isabella looked in the machine. Daryl then pulled out a crowbar from his bag and hit the glass to break it open.

He reached in and started to grab the contents out, pulling out three cans of soda. "This was a special request from the doctor," Daryl said before opening another one and drinking from it.

"Hey, whatever she wants. She saved Carl's life," Rick said as Daryl passed him the drink. "We didn't know her, and she turned out to be all right. If there's still people out here, and they're still people, we should bring 'em in."

"What, like this guy?" Daryl asked while Rick passed the soda to Isabella, even though there was barely a drop left in it for her.

"No, fuck this guy," Rick shook his head.

"We still got a trail," Daryl tilted his head and put his backpack back on.

"Let's go," Rick added before running off again.

"Jesus Christ. Literally, Jesus Christ," Isabella groaned before following after the two men. Her legs felt wobbly like they were about to fall off.

After about ten minutes, they turned a corner and followed the black tire marks. Isabella considered asking for a piggyback, but then she realised that Rick and Daryl were both probably too tired.

Daryl held up a finger for them to stop, so they did. Isabella had her hands on her knees and she was wheezing for air. "Is- is this normal?" She asked, referring to her staggered breathing.

Rick put a finger up to tell her to be quiet, she put her arms out to the sides, as if to say I can't.

They all peeped over the hill, seeing Jesus fixing a tire or something on the truck. The three ducked back down when he started moving again though.

"Through there," Isabella whispered, pointing to the trees at the side of the road.

Daryl started to lead the way with his gun, Isabella followed behind him with her knife, and Rick behind her with his gun.

Rick ran around one side of the truck and held his arms around Jesus. "Hold still and maybe we won't hurt you."

"Sure thing," Jesus mumbled before wrestling his way out of Rick's grasp in a pretty slick fashion.

Daryl tried to tackle him, but he got pushed to the floor, too. Jesus tried to make a run for the trees, so Isabella stuck her foot out to trip him up and then held her knife in front of her with the most threatening look she could muster up, even with her pig tails.

There was a walker coming out of the trees, Rick and Daryl stood up and watched the interaction between Isabella and Jesus carefully.

"Can you even use that thing?" Jesus said out of breath, shrugging his shoulders.

Isabella tilted her head and then threw the knife straight into the walkers head, making it fall to the floor. Rick and Daryl gave each other a look of approval and pulled their guns out, aiming them at Jesus to that Isabella could go and retrieve her knife.

Isabella had a smug grin on her face, she felt super badass. She still didn't wipe the grin off her face as she pulled the knife out of the walker's head.

Before Isabella could get a word in, Rick and Daryl had already threatened Jesus, and now Rick was tying his wrists and ankles together.

"You're really gonna leave me here like this? You're really gonna do that?" Jesus asked Rick.

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