37. Funny.

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Isabella stayed crouched down on the floor, thinking to herself and trying to get Johns voice out of her head. "You know what happens now, you little bitch? Yeah, you remember it, don't ya?"

He's not here. He's not here. He's dead. Rick killed him. He's not here.

"Look at me! Look at me!" It was a muffled voice, Rosita's in the distance, presumably talking to Abraham. But alls that Isabella could hear was John's voice. She didn't want to hear John's voice though, she wanted to hear Daryl's.

"Go away!" Isabella screamed, her eyes still shut tightly, her hands blocking her head so tightly it could crush her skull.

Someone knelt down in front of her and pulled her head into their shoulder. "Shh. Shh. It's me, it's Glenn, it's okay." He reassured her, rubbing her back.

Isabella snapped back to reality, because John wasn't there and he couldn't hurt her anymore.

"What's she crying for now?!" Abraham's voice boomed and Maggie instantly turned around.

"She's a child and she's scared! Probably 'cause of you!"

Isabella wasn't crying though. She was scared, sure, but she wasn't crying. Crying wasn't going to get her anywhere this time, and it certainly wasn't going to bring Daryl here.

Abraham stared intimidatingly at Rosita and Maggie cocked her gun. "Sit down or I'll put you down."

Abraham looked at her for a moment, his eyes ice cold, before he knelt back to the floor. Maggie put her gun back in her pocket and Tara sighed.

"Well, what's next on the agenda?" Tara wiped her hands on her jeans.

There was a moment of silence before Glenn piped up. "We need more water."

"There's a creek up the road." Rosita suggested, pointing in the direction of it. "A few miles southwest of here."

"Y'all go. I'll stay here." Maggie nodded.

"You sure?" Glenn tilted his head.

"I am." Maggie nodded again.

Isabella looked up at Maggie for a moment and gave her a hug. After the day they'd had, they both needed one. Isabella never really had a mother figure, her biological mom left since John abused her too, she didn't even know her moms name, John refused to tell her. But nonetheless, Maggie had become a woman that Isabella wanted to be just like when she grew up.

"Okay." Rosita mumbled before she began walking away, Tara following behind her, then Glenn with his hand on Isabella's back. They walked down a road, and Isabella's mind wandered to the night before.

"Hey, Ro?" She asked and Rosita turned to her.

"Did you just call me Ro?" She asked, her eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Yeah. Do you not want me to?" Isabella asked, a bit concerned if she had offended Rosita or not.

Rosita shook her head and smiled. "No. It's okay, what was your question?"

"Are you okay? Last night, after Abraham sent me to the other room, it sounded like you were crying or something." Isabella said, looking down at her shoes.

"What? Are you okay?" Glenn asked, turning to her with a confused expression.

Rosita laughed and so did Tara. "Oh, don't worry, she's just fine." Tara giggled, and Rosita gave her a light nudge to the arm.

Glenn looked between them for a moment, still puzzled, then he seemed to get it and scoffed a laugh, but Isabella still didn't understand.

"Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart." Rosita laughed and patted Isabella's shoulder, so she just shrugged and carried on walking with them.

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