68. A stupid little girl.

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⚠️attempted SA in this chapter⚠️

Isabella started to choke on tears. Maggie was gone and she was stood over her grave. She couldn't even talk.

"Damn tragedy," Negan said, he was mocking it.

"We haven't got around to painting her name on the wall yet," Gabriel added.

Isabella burst into tears. Maggie's name shouldn't have to be put on that wall because Maggie should be alive.

"Oh Jesus, is she crying again?" Negan taunted.

Nobody could say anything to Isabella, they had all been told they weren't allowed. Daryl couldn't hug her and tell her how everything was going to be all right. Abraham and Glenn definitely couldn't do anything this time, they never would again. Rick just had to watch.

"Number one," Negan spoke up over Isabella's crying. "That one was on me. Lessons had to be learned. But number two? That didn't need to happen. Daryl and Isabella, there, they forced my hand. Probably put her right on her back, huh? Damn. I was gonna ask her to come back with me."

Isabella looked up at Negan with tear filled eyes. She had killed Glenn and Maggie now. Suddenly, there was a gunshot in the distance and some glass shattering.

Negan's expression turned cold and he followed the noise. Rick followed behind him, Isabella and Daryl had to aswell.

"No, no, no," Isabella whispered as she entered her house. Pictures were torn up on the floor. One of them was of her and Abraham, the first night she fell asleep in his lap and Tara took it. Another one was of her and the Washington D.C group. Another one of Beth holding her tiger. Another one of Maggie and Glenn hugging, with Carl doing an awkward thumbs up in the background.

"No!" She sobbed. They were completely torn up. "Why would you do this?"

Carl was pointing a gun at the Savior. Daryl recognised it as the same one who had been touching Isabella a day ago.

"Carl, Carl, put it down," Rick calmed his son.

"No," Carl shook his head.

"Of course," Negan walked in. "Oh-ho. Really, kid?"

"You should go. Before you find out how dangerous we all are," Carl commented in a menacing tone.

Isabella didn't feel dangerous. She felt like a stupid little girl, a stupid little girl who wanted her aunts and uncles. A stupid little girl who wanted her big sister.

"Well, pardon me, young man. And excuse the shit out of my goddamn french but...did you just threaten me? Look, I get threatening Davey here, but I cant have it. Not him, not me," Negan started to joke again. Isabella hated him, she hated him so much.

"Carl, just put it down," Rick hushed. He had sweat beads on his forehead.

"Don't be rude, Rick," Negan held up a finger. "We are having a conversation here. Now, boy, where were we? Oh, yeah. Your giant man-sized balls. No threatening us. Listen, I like you, so I don't wanna go to hard proving a point here. You don't want that. I'm serious. Do you want me to prove how serious?"

Isabella was still kneeling on the floor. Davey had put a hand on her head and was massaging his fingers into her head. It made Isabella's blood run cold, it made her shiver. She didn't like it.

"Now!" Negan spun around. "This your house?" Davey removed his hand from Isabella's head quickly.

Isabella nodded. So did Negan. "Go get your shit. Davey, watch her."

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