80. Confusing and frustrating.

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After giggling and listening to Gregory talk about wretched kids, which just made them laugh even more, everyone went to bed.

Maggie had left the next day to go fight Negan. Isabella and Freddie worried, but that woman was a force of nature, and if anyone was going to kill Negan. It was sure as hell going to be Maggie.

Isabella hated Negan. She hated him so much that it made her hate herself. She didn't want to hate people, that wasn't her. She was the girl who's nice to everyone, even when they're
an asshole. Like Spencer and even Sam. But no, she really hated Negan.

She hated him for lining them all up like that, hated him for taunting Carl about his eye, hated him for beating the holy fuckin' hell out of Abraham, hated him for making Glenn's eye pop out of his skull, hated him for taking her and Daryl away, hated him for even having Saviors like Davey around, hated him for taking Freddie away, hated him for telling Arat to shoot someone and then her ear got shot off. Isabella wanted Negan dead.

She wanted Negan dead even more than she ever wanted the Governor dead, and he locked her in a room with her dead cousin that tried to eat her. She hated the Governor, he killed Hershel. Isabella didn't see it but he still did it. Negan though, he was something else. He was ruthless yet showed such sympathy towards his victims.

Isabella despised the way he apologised before smashing Glenn's brains in. Because he wasn't sorry. Not one bone in his body was sorry. But he still said it. Isabella really hoped that Glenn didn't die thinking that Negan was sorry.

Isabella and Freddie didn't say a word to each other the whole day because of how stressed they were. They just waited for the group to come back. Daryl was coming back, maybe he'd bring some of the group with him. Freddie was hoping he'd bring Carol.

To their surprise, Daryl came back. Carol was there. Ezekiel, Rick, Maggie, Carl, Rosita. Everyone except for one person. They looked sad. Oh...no.

Isabella and Freddie both walked down the stairs. As they reached the bottom, the door opened. Freddie's eyes filled with tears as he saw the woman. Carol.

"Hi," he mumbled before running into her arms. They hadn't seen each other since the before the lineup. Freddie hadn't gone to anyone with his problems, he wanted to talk to Carol. But she wasn't there. She is now.

"Hi, sweetheart," Carol smiled sweetly and kissed the top of the boys head.

Isabella looked around. She still wasn't here, Sasha. She looked up at Daryl, her eyebrows furrowed. But he just shook his head.

Sasha was dead.

Sasha had been with them for so long. Even if her and Isabella hadn't spoken much, Sasha was a good person who didn't deserve what happened to her. She remembered how brave she was in the Church when Bob was dying, how she soldiered on after Tyreese died, how she kept going after Abraham died.

Isabella took a deep breathe and held back the tears that filled her eyes. Gregory stormed out of his office. Because he just always had to ruin these moments.

"Maybe, you should all teach these two blonde idiots some sense!" He yelled. "Beat it into them! I don't care!"

Isabella and Freddie both just wanted to scream and yell and beg at the words; beat it into them. Because they'd both already been put over their fathers knee and beaten god knows how many times. Gregory didn't know that. Isabella decided that she hated Gregory, too.

"Woah, Gregory. What's going on here?" Rick held out a hand to diffuse the situation. Now, Isabella and Freddie really were going to get yelled at. Freddie hadn't really thought the idea through, but he thought that it would be fun.

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