53. Halloween costumes.

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There was so many walkers, everyone was screaming and running, but Isabella couldn't find a space to run to. They were coming in so fast, there was hundreds if not thousands of them.

"Everyone, get back!" Rick waved his arm around to get the rest of the residents attention. "Get into your houses, go!"

Carl started running, so Isabella followed him. Carl would know what to do, he was starting to become more and more like Rick. It was easy for Isabella to catch up with Carl, especially with this amount of adrenaline coursing through her.

Michonne and Gabriel managed to catch up with them, and Ron was following from a little bit behind.

"Carl, over there!" Isabella turned and followed where she could see Rick helping Deanna. Deanna seemed hurt, she was limping.

"Good, you're safe. Come on!" Rick carried on running and shooting his gun as the other five followed behind.

Michonne effortlessly sliced two walkers heads off, god, Isabella thought she was the coolest person ever.

The group carried on running, they were heading for one of the houses. But the walkers blocked them off completely. At least, that's what they all thought until Jessie started shooting them down.

"Come on, I have Judith!" Jessie yelled and ran back up her porch steps. The group followed just as quickly. Isabella ran in the house next to Carl, Rick was still helping Deanna.

Freddie was sat on the couch sleeping, so Isabella went over and hit him around the back of the head. "Wake up, dingus."

"Huh? What?" Freddie looked around, his eyes adjusting to the surroundings.

Deanna was screaming out in pain, and this just added to Freddie's confusion. "What the hell is happening?"

"Where?" Rick asked, looking for somewhere to put Deanna.

"Here. This one on the right." Jessie led him down the hallway.

"Which room?" Rick asked more impatiently.

"Go in there!" Jessie panicked and burst into Sam's room.

Isabella, Carl, Freddie and Ron all just stood around awkwardly. None of them knew what to do or how to help, there wasn't much they could do.

Isabella could hear Judith wailing, so she decided that was her job. Calm Judith down.

"Hey, Judy. It's okay, your big sister's here. I ain't gonna let anything hurt you. You're okay." Isabella picked the baby up and stroked her hair gently.

Judith cries seemed to die down in Isabella's arms, she wasn't happy. But she wasn't sobbing so loudly anymore. Isabella caught a glimpse of Sam as she walked down the hallway anymore, he had huge bags under his eyes and he just looked sad.

Freddie was looking out of the window downstairs. "That's a whole lot of walkers."

"Well, no shit." Isabella scoffed, still holding Judith.

There was some clanging from the garage, Isabella was about to hand Judith to Freddie to see what was going on. But Carl came downstairs and went in first.

"Ron?" Carl prompted before shutting the door.

A faint locking sound could be heard after a few seconds of them murmuring, and then a lot of loud crashes and yelling.

"Ron?" Freddie ran to the door and tried the handle, wanting to get to his big brother.

"Carl?" Isabella put Judith down on the couch and rushed to the door, pushing against it, wanting to get to her big brother.

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