60. Kill floor.

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⚠️scene of abuse in this chapter⚠️

Rick was leaning over a man, presumably one of the ones from the building. "It's Primo. Damn it, they've got him. Give me the walkie," The red-head held her hand out.

"Babe, what's happening?" The man asked her.

She turned the walkie on and looks through the binoculars again. "Lower your gun, prick."

They all started to look around frantically. Daryl kept on looking down and talking to Freddie, but Isabella nor Carol could see if he was speaking or even breathing.

"You with the Colt Python. All of you, lower your weapons right now," The woman continued, but none of them put their weapons down.

"Come on our. Let's talk." Rick picked the man's walkie up and spoke back.

"How many we got?" The old woman asked.

"Eight in sight," The red-head replied. "Too many."

"No, we can take 'em. We took more," The man spoke. He couldn't even avoid getting shot by a little girl. Isabella only missed his head because he moved.

The red-head turned the radio back on. "We're not coming out, but we will talk," She turned to Carol, Isabella and Maggie. "Names." None of them said anything, so the woman raised her voice "Names!"

"I'm Maggie, she's Carol and that's Isabella," Maggie spoke for all of them flatly.

The red-head nodded and spoke into the walkie again. "We've got a Carol, a Maggie and an Isabella. I'm thinking that's something you want to chat about. We're gonna work this out right now, and it's going to go our way."

Daryl looked to Rick and propped Freddie up a bit higher in his arms. He was speaking harshly to Rick, Isabella could tell by the look on his face. Daryl passed Freddie to Gabriel carefully and then pulled the man, Primo, up, pointing a gun at the back of his head.

"You see we have one of yours. We'll trade," Rick suggested.

"I'm listening," The red-head replied.

"First, I wanna talk to Maggie, Carol and Isabella, make sure they're all right," Rick said though the radio menacingly. A walker came out of the trees, so the older woman killed it.

"I'm gonna put you on. You say you're fine. I'll know if you try anything else," The red-head shoved the walkie in Carol's face first.

"Rick. It's Carol. I'm- I'm fine, but-" Carol had the walkie taken away from her and shoved in Maggie's face instead.

"Rick, it's Maggie. We're all okay. We'll figure this-" She took the walkie away from Maggie and held it to Isabella.

Isabella didn't say anything. She didn't want to talk, not to these people.

The red-head sighed and took the walkie away from Isabella. "The blondie is fine. Now, you have your proof. Let's talk."

"All right, this is the deal right here. Let 'em go, you can have your guy back and live." Rick snarled through the muffled static.

"Three for one, that's not much of a trade," The red-head spoke down the radio.

"You don't have another choice or you would've done something about it already," Rick reasoned.

"We have to get him back," The man said in a pleading tone.

"Primo can take care of himself," The red-head stared off at the man that Glenn and Daryl were holding harshly.

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